Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The US government is now at risk of breakdown.

The infighting between the criminal factions of the organized crime syndicate known as big government has now reached critical levels.  Most people probably don't see it but Trump's administration has now drawn the red line which will not be crossed by the dems who still think they can undo the 2016 election and bullshit their way into the white house in 2020.  This is really quite significant because government is a set of rules and procedures.  In our legal system anyone can sue anyone at any time for any reason.  That's just the way it is.  I could file a lawsuit against anyone and even against a company or even against the US government and even against a foreign government.

This set of rules is normally kind of a sham because while I indeed could file those papers, the cost would be high, the odds of being counter-sued would be high and the likelihood of success would be low for an individual or even a small organization.  But still, the presence of rules implies the presence of order.  If rules break down, the system breaks down.

For example, let's say Texas passed a "red flag" (red fag) law and someone turned me in as being a danger to myself or society for things I have written.  And let's say they sent a monkey/monkeys with a badge/badges and a piece of paper to my door saying he was going to take my guns, and would use deadly force if I did not comply.  Well I tell you right now, I will not comply.  The system would then be faced with two choices: walk away or shoot it out with me.  Of course, if it was just me they would choose the shoot out and my goal would be to take out as many of them as possible as a warning to the next set of armed thugs who try to enforce something that clearly stomps on the 2nd amendment.

They tried a similar thing at Bundy Ranch but too many armed people showed up for it to be a cake walk like Waco or Ruby Ridge, and so the government, which is too cowardly to want to engage in a fair fight, ran away.  And despite many threats that "this is not over" it was, as I predicted it would be, over.

The point is, when the opposing force is too great, the edicts and rules break down and when that happens the system breaks down.  Rule of their corrupt laws breaks down. I mean, think about it.  The law books were written by rich people for rich people and everyone else be damned.  And the court system is a joke.  When corporations have been caught doing all manner of illegal things, they simply fine them and nobody goes to jail.  Who went to jail for all the fraud in dot bomb?  Nobody.  Who went to jail in 2008 for all the fraud that happened leading up to that collapse?  Nobody.  And it was no secret that the system was corrupt.  They even had joke names for what was going on like "liar loans", "NINJA loans" (no income, no job or assets) "jingle mail" (referring to house keys mailed back on defaulted real estate).  The list of obvious corruption was massive.  These liberal assholes almost crashed the economic system just so they could make a living off the backs of working Americans.

But now we are seeing the system break down.  Rich people are going to jail, finally.  And now not just Trump, but the whole Trump administration is pushing back on this abuse of the rules by the liberals.  They are done with procedure and process theater.  The gloves are off.  The liberals either have to back down and lose face or create a congressional crisis.  I'm pretty sure they will go for the crisis.

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