And the root cause of his attitude? "Our budgets have been cut and everyone (meaning all government services) has less". Yep, like I said, when law enforcement sees that the elite are not this endless source of money and when they realize that it's actually the people who will fund or defund them, all of a sudden they begin to grow a heart for the working class again. I guarantee you that if the money was still flowing down on the police from above, they would still continue to follow whatever orders or edicts come down from above, no matter how illegal, how amoral, and how stupid those edicts may be.
It is now being internalized by ALL government organizations that the free flow of cash from above is no longer a given and also that the people have some money but not an endless flow. Soon enough you will begin to see police departments VOLUNTARILY move from a pension system to a 401k system. Not because they think it's good for them and not because they want to but because they fear that they have dipped too deeply into the honey pot for too long and that if they do not show some kind of financial empathy for the rank and file working class that the long term negative effects to public "servants" could be very severe.
With all this said, I'm here to tell you that no matter what happens, budgets are only going to get worse for government. The solution to big government is big government. What seemed like an unstoppable trend only seemed that way because it was paid for by debt. And whether you understand it or not, debt is becoming more and more difficult. When the repo market goes unstable that is the very first sign and the repo market went unstable in Q4 of last year. That is why trillions had to be printed up, not covid.
The bad stuff will be arriving in waves, like an economic tsunami. Something "unexpected" and bad will happen (unexpected by fools, completely expected by people who know what the fuck is REALLY happening) and then government will have to respond with money printing. The influx of new fake cash will seem to stem the arterial bleeding at first. Here you can see where the fed thinks it can stop repo market "accommodation" recently. I can already tell you that this will not end well.
In this post I warned that the fed balance sheet chart was nearing a wave 2 bottom. Read that post again if you are smart because it shows there is a predictable underlying order to the universe that can ONLY be seen through the lens of the Elliott wave principle, and even then it can only be counted on to be right 70% of the time because of the element of chaos that exists in the very nature of our universe. But 70% is pretty darned good odds for predicting the future. Other people were predicting the fed would have to increase its balance sheet at some time in the future but I am probably the only person in the world who predicted it with this accuracy because I am an EW expert and other people have to rely on gut feel and anecdotal evidence.
In this post I provided the chart of the fed balance sheet updated. We were clearly in 3 of 3 at that point.
Current actual is below. As you can see, I count this as red 4 of blue 3. Soon enough blue 3 and then blue 4 will happen and then the next economic tsunami will take us up to blue 5. We are on rails now for global economic collapse. They cannot stop printing more fake money but soon enough it will show up in commodity prices and then your paycheck will be for shit. It will not keep up with rising prices.
There is no stopping this. Neither Trump nor Biden nor any other stuffed shirt they prop up before us can do a fucking thing about it. No Ponzi ever ended gracefully and NO it won't be different this time. STOP HOPING. Start taking action. Cost average your retirement funds out of fake paper currency and into something that government has zero control over - metallic money like gold silver and platinum bullion coins. We have to expect volatility which is why I NEVER recommend to panic into metals. A slow approach over time will guarantee excellent results regardless of what happens in the near term. But once you have metal money you can be assured of one very important thing: Short of a Mad Max outcome (which is maybe 5% probability) gold and silver will never lose their purchasing power. We have thousands of years of history supporting this assertion and so it is well tested globally and has passed the test of time, conflict, wars, booms, busts, revolutions, you name it.
Paper currency? Not so much. It has in fact gone bankrupt EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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