Monday, May 4, 2020

Homely Laura Ingraham says that people are starting to call BS on the covid response.

Why is it that liberal women tend to be prettier but dumber in general while conservative women tend to be pretty-ish or even homely but smarter and less flighty?  This is not to say the average conservative woman is ugly by any means.  And it is not meant to be a blanket statement but simply an observed trend.  Every trend has outliers.  But Fox News Laura Ingraham sure looks homely in her Quaker dress.

Be that as it may, what she is saying is clearly intelligent and correct: the covid response is a control mechanism that has been way overblown.  I know why they did it - because they needed cover for the massive debasement of the money supply which needed to happen and which has occurred.  That debasement was absolutely required in order to keep their Global Debt Ponzi from collapsing faster than WTC7.  But the con men running this show had to make good theater of it so that they could convince as many stupid sheeple to comply as possible.
While they were at it they might as well try to limit our freedom of movement, etc. when wearing masks would have been just as effective without requiring the federal reserve to go into wave 3 up in its balance sheet expansion.  Now this is where it pays to listen to the Elliott wave guy because nobody and I mean NOBODY explained well in advance that the fed balance sheet was about to blast off.  Nobody, that is, except me In this post I provided the chart below and very clearly stated what was likely to come next.

I wrote,"A non-Elliottician can be forgiven for not knowing in advance that after the peak of the balance sheet expansion we just encountered in 5 waves that we would get a pullback to the level of the prior 4th and this pullback would look like the fed was going to achieve its goal of balance sheet contraction/de-leveraging during good times, just like a shock-absorber works on a pothole.   Thus, as the fed reduced the balance sheet, many people actually fell for the notion that it was going to work.  Not wise people of course.  Money-wise people like Peter Schiff always said the deleveraging was going to fail and eventually it would have to be reversed and then expanded.  But to the eyes of foolish people it seemed that the fed could be trusted and so, they trusted.  During wave 3 up everyone will figure it out.  That's why Prechter calls 3rd waves "the point of recognition"."

As you can see, no punches were pulled.  I don't write that kind of thing unless I am pretty darned certain because if I get it wrong then my detractors can say "yeah full of hot air".

 Well for the record, below is what that chart now looks like.  Now let's be honest with ourselves.  Is this really just luck?  Really?  It's almost doubled in less than 6 months, and it began right when my model said it would, and somehow this is just still luck?  No.  This is not luck.  The model knew well in advance what was likely going to have to happen.  There were many other warning signs as well including Chase credit walking away from Canadian cardholder balances and just telling those people to "keep their money, it's all forgiven".  What kind of bank does that?  I documented that and many other warning signs, including the repo market going unstable this past December.  I even tied all these things to covid in this January post before any of the bad stuff happened here in the US.

It is by virtue of predicting all this economic carnage in advance that I can rightfully say that all of the covid stuff is bullshit.  I have earned the right to say it.  I put myself out there telling the truth well in advance of it happening and that puts me 5 steps above anyone who comes in later on trying to suggest that I'm some kind of crazy "conspiracy theorist" and that I don't know what is going on.  I have proved that it is no theory that there is a conspiracy.

It used to be that only people like me would say these things.  But now others are saying it too.  As I predicted, the world would eventually catch up to my level of observation and awareness in these matters.  With respect to the covid thing, if you come into hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest and die on the table they will test your corpse for covid and if the test come back positive they will tick off the "covid positive" box.  When those forms get tabulated, a clerk (who doesn't know or care about the actual circumstances of death) will be instructed to input the data and then tick off another box elevating "covid positive" to "covid related".  And then the next set of liars in the chain will report these as "covid related deaths".  Of course that might be an exaggeration but it was stated thus to make my point: covid is being over counted in a conscious attempt to make up scary statistics in order to herd the sheeple.

But the important thing here is that many people are beginning to say the same thing right now which is that there has been a purposeful and calculated attempt to fool people into agreeing with more and more government control under the guise of our protective overlords keeping us "safe".  I was especially impressed by this doctor for stepping out beyond his medical training to make the obvious connection that the covid response was a conspiracy and that when government says they want to keep you safe it is elitist code for "control the sheeple". 

This respected doctor, this man of science, this patriot said,

"Something else is going on here.  This is not about science and it's not even about covid.  When they use the word "safe"... that's about controlling you."

The 3rd wave up in the fed's balance sheet has indeed been the point of recognition.  The sleeper is awakening.  Good, hard working people all over this country are now questioning the official narrative coming from government fucks.  This is much, much bigger than most people understand.  This doctor, and his buddies too, all now see that government is corrupt and that we are being herded in a direction.  The stench of it has now reached so far and so wide that medical professionals whose credibility is in grave danger for speaking out against the establishment and in fact making direct accusations are now unabashedly speaking out.  What he did was not beating around the bush or insinuating or implying.  He made a direct accusation in public and on camera.

Did I not predict many years ago that in the end days of the Global Debt Ponzi that people would begin to stand up and ignore the career risk that speaking these things could bring?  Did I not call it one of the signs of the end times for this GDP when people valued the truth over their love of Mammon Money?  Had you not been explained all these things in advance you would have good cause to roll your eyes at me and say, "oh such pitiful stuff".  But you must now understand that you are seeing the early stages of LOSS OF CONFIDENCE IN THE ISSUING AUTHORITY.  You are seeing the underpinnings of the coming massive if not hyperinflation (which in this context means rising prices given that the actual hyperinflation of the currency is clearly already in progress simply by looking at the fed balance sheet).  I am not saying this comes immediately.  We can still have a deflationary crash first.  But I am saying that it is now on rails.  It is coming.  The fed balance sheet will reach about 10 trillion dollars to finish wave 1 of a larger degree and then it will come back down a bit but the next wave up will be unmistakeable: the fed will lose control of the bond market and prices will be skyrocketing.

It is just as I have been saying for more than a decade: fake money, Mammon Money, has turned the world on its head.  Double speak is now every day language.  Good is bad, bad is good, Ron Paul is a crank, Ben Bernanke is a hero.  Trump and anyone who doesn't go along with the establishment is a deplorable, but criminal Hillary isn't in jail.  The FBI is supposed to be a law enforcement agency but they are criminals and even the FISA court has stated that they have lied in order to obtain many illegal warrants.  We have theater for everything.  Security theater, freedom theater, economic prosperity theater, rule of law theater, safety theater.  All of it is lies.  Any program the government comes up with is exactly opposite of what they name it.  The patriot act is the traitor act.

Get your mind right about this.  In the famous words of Patrick Swayze, "we ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming".

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