But whether we are talking about moving from some CONUS liberal shit hole to PR or from some US liberal shithole to more conservative (i.e. less taxation) US locations, the rich are on the move. Rudy Guliani discusses his observations in this video and the likes of Mish Shedlock are have moved out of liberal Illin' noise to much more conservative Utah. Anyone with a brain knows that the end of the Global Debt Ponzi is not far off.
Morons who think government is a bottomless pit of free wealth are going to find out that what is going down is a Vegas deal. If you are are in a Vegas deal and don't know who the Patsy is, it's YOU. Government has no wealth except what it borrows or taxes from others. We all know what direct taxation is. Government demands tribute and promises to kill you if you are determined not to pay. For example: jailing an old man until he died because he was a tax rabble rouser.
And we all know what federal debt is. Look at that chart. It is headed straight up now and it cannot stop.
But few really understand that the government doesn't really have any debt. What they have is a fake money supply which they have tricked people into accepting as if it were real. The federal reserve is a shell game operator. It obfuscates the money system so that most people don't see what is going on. If people ever found out (which means when people finally pull their heads out of the sand - and they will), the game will be over pretty quickly. People will lose confidence in the issuing authority and they will lose confidence in the con. And then they will buy anything and everything in order to get their wealth out of the fake money system.
When I say government doesn't really have debt, what do I mean by this? Sure they have debt. But how is this debt growing? Are people actually loaning money to the government??? The answer is that the federal reserve has pretty much become the lender of only resort. This is why I made such a big deal about watching fed balance sheet expansion back in late Sept of last year. That expansion has meaning. It means that the US cannot find more suckers to buy our debt. It means that the fed is buying all of the new debt being created by government in order to keep the Ponzi pumping.
But the fed has no money either. It is creating new currency which thus debases the existing currency. So if you take on debt that is paid for by currency debasement, is it really debt? In fact, no. They show it as debt because debt has the notion of repayment or default. The goal is to hide the fact that the real source of government money spending is currency debasement. It's nothing more than a shell game being played on an economically ignorant population.
So the purchasing power of your dollar denominated savings are going down. They are taxing you without your knowledge or consent. If you do not own wealth tokens like gold, silver and platinum bullion coins outside of their corrupt system they will steal all of your purchasing power. If you let this happen to you after all the clear warning that you have received from me at no charge for more than 10 years now, I can only laugh at your outcome and comment that you got what you deserve. I cannot be sorry for the fate of fools who are made aware of a train coming at them but who refuse to move their car off the tracks.
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