We now see that liberal protestors (which I will not even blame on BLM because to most of these fucks no lives matter) will burn and loot whatever they can. And as I also stated the cops would not be there to save the victims. Those who make it through will do so by having the appropriate level of violent force available at their fingertips.
This was recently proven when pitchfork revolution mob rolled up to a rich looking place and began their attack. In response, the owner and his wife pulled out their firepower and brandished it for all to see. It was enough to repel the zombies this time without having to actually fire even a warning shot.
In the not too distant future, this will not be enough. The zombies will be armed and they will not hesitate to murder those in their path. An 8 year old girl died recently when armed mobsters shot into the car she was in, killing her. It is just insane to shoot into a car unless your only intention is to kill something or someone. The reason is that there is really no room to run. Cars moving at low speed do not turn quickly enough to dodge bullets. A person standing on their feet stands a much better chance.
Do you see how crazy this is getting? Are you beginning to see what I have been telling you all along is the truth? The fake money system has fucked so many people out of their futures that they have lost hope. And as Gerald Celente says when people have lost everything and think they have nothing to lose, they "lose it".
Please consider what I am telling you now. The GDP - Global Debt Ponzi is still in the early days of its collapse. We ain't seen bad yet but it is damned sure coming. It's now difficult for me to see how all of this winds down without a civil war. And if that happens, then mobs will be going door to door killing, raping and looting. You want civility out of a liberal mob?? FORGET IT!!! They are literally fucking crazy. They are living Walter Mitty lives in their own thoughts and not here in the real world. It doesn't strike them that what they do is real or has consequences, even for themselves. They are the very definition of the madness of herds.
When this begins to happen, you will not be able to reason or talk with them. The ONLY thing they will respond to is deadly force, and lots of it. Today it was enough for the mansion owner to simply brandish a weapon. You could tell he hardly knew how to use it but it was enough to scare the mostly unarmed mob away.
Look at the picture below. At least he had his trigger finger outside the trigger guard. I will grant him that. But he keeps pointing the weapon right at his wife. That is a big NO! And look at her arm position with the bent elbow. She couldn't hit the side of a barn with that pea shooter. Also, look at her literally going into battle barefoot. Does she think she is shooing the neighbor's cat off the lawn furniture? That's just insane.
Maybe all of this still seems surreal or like some kind of joke to you but I assure you, it is going to get a lot worse in the next few years. And the reason is simple: we stupidly accepted fake money as if it were real. The elite then took full advantage of the situation to get rich. But when the system goes into collapse the carrying capacity will be greatly reduced and people are going to have to die in order to regain balance.
I say again, get a gun. For most people a 12 ga shotgun is an excellent choice. Use 00 buckshot. The gun has little range, maybe 100 yards. And the pellets will not penetrate very far into a neighbor's house. But they will make a bloody mess of whatever is 20-50' away. And you can get some assault models which hold 8 rounds of semi automatic smackdown. Once you have a gun, go become proficient with it. Learn gun safety. You should shoot at least 500 rounds over the course of 3 months before you will even come close to a level of comfort and proficiency needed to safely defend yourself when the mobs come. Today they are looking for big fish with big homes but once the rich flee, and they will flee, the mob will have to look for other people to steal from.
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