Cops sided with politicians against the people. That is the plain truth of it. But as the herd woke up and decided not to get pushed around anymore, cops thought it was business as usual: bash a few faces, kill a few people and then go about their lives like nothing happened. Except this time enough people banded together. It got big enough that politicians feared being laid hands on and killed in the street. Or not being re-elected, which ever you think is worse.
When that happened, politicians threw the cops under the bus, just like I said would happen. But cops are not without power and so the backlash has arrived. Their bosses are handing down more and more edicts and cops are just saying no. In today's evidence point, a Cally Sheriff was told to enforce a mandatory mask order put out by that milquetoast Gavin Newsom. The Sheriff thought about it and finally realized that he and his boys were getting played. Newsom wants to remain dictator passing out mommy - like edicts and then threatening physical force, and ultimately death for those who might simply not comply. And like always, any beatings or death would not be from the mask order itself but in fact for using physical force to push the cops away who are going to follow their orders no matter what, once given. In any case, the sheriff looks at it and says, "what's in it for me? all I see is me and my men being vilified in the public eye for doing what we are told.
And therein lies the real problem with cops. They will enforce every law in the book like it was the 10 commandments handed to them directly by G_d. They did this because their bosses wanted to appear strong and in charge. If people don't have to follow rules then politicians have to think long and hard what the rules must be. If people are made to follow rules "or else", then any whim that comes into the shit for brains liberal establishment comes out their mouth as a parental edict. Except most parents don't use an assault force to get kids to comply and most parents don't kill their kids if they won't listen.
That used to be the rule of engagement: cops and politicians stood strong together in order to herd the gullible people about. But now that politicians have broken rank and are trying cops for murder, the pact is broken. So if POLiticians (those who make policy) cannot be trusted by the POLICy Enforcers then maybe its time for cops to start weighing the actual value and important of all these edicts, and only enforcing those which make sense.
Whereas the cops used to enforce every stupid fucking edict, like this famous jaywalking case from Austin TX....
... going forward you can expect the cops to start pushing back on politicians saying, "I'm not burning myself down with the public just so you can have a power trip. I disagree that this rule is important and therefore I'm just not going to enforce it".
That is important because what it means is that the police are now beginning to dictate policy! As long as the police use this new power to do right by the people then all will be OK. But if the cops suddenly realize that they should be running the whole show and who needs these leaders anyway then all of the power could find its way into the hands of the police. History shows that rarely works out very well. The cops become little Caesars and then begin making up pedantic rules as well. The goal of these rules is to make the ruled easier (and cheaper) to rule by the rulers. Rules are not for the people, they are in spite of the people.
If cops were smart they would very quickly turn this "I will not comply with your edicts" to simply stop fighting the corrupt war on drugs. Stop with the focus on nonviolent crime. Stop with the revenue generating speed traps. Stop with the me master you slave act. I predict that unless the cops wise up very quickly and extend a clear olive branch to the public that lots of cops are going to start getting ambushed and otherwise killed. I hope cops are listening to me since they apparently didn't listen when I predicted they will be going under the bus, stabbed in the back by their liberal politician pals. I knew it would happen because liberals eat their own.
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