No, barstool breath, I'm the freaking captain. Always have been, always will be. You are just the next Johnny come lately and I promise you that your "stocks only go up" bullshit will be short lived. As soon as corporations stop using low interest rates to take on debt with which to buy back their own stock, it's over. As soon as the idiot liberal activists wake up to the obvious requirement to "DEFUND WALL STREET, it's really over.
The Powell Put will at some point soon turn into the Powell Putz. But regardless, it is happening just as I said it would and with a highly followed fool like the barstool boy laughing at Buffett without anyone complaining, I can tell you that he is simple echoing the sentiment of the herd.
What is bar stool, anyhow? Is that what happens when a drunk craps his levis? That is what is eventually going to happen to Dave Portnoy. He's going to get too bold trying to be the worlds next big thing and then the bottom will drop out of the markets overnight and his stupid laughter will be turned upside down.
1 comment:
This Portnoy character is annoyingly arrogant, for sure. Tucker has him on his show occasionally, idk why. Maybe because Portnoy had some kind of beef with Roger Goodell, which at the time made him interesting, especially now given Goodell’s recent bending of the knee to the rioters, er, protestors. Nevertheless, if his segment comes up on Tucker, I FF.
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