Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Do you really think they can stop?

I love it when people look at a Ponzi scheme and then hope for a soft landing even though it is completely impossible to happen.  And now, as we race toward that coming massive peak and then collapse, look at what is happening.  First we had 6 trillion of new fake money sent out in order to stave off, temporarily, the next market and economic crash.  And now only 3 months later they are preparing yet another 3 trillion in tourniquet payments.

To call this "generous" is to laugh in the face of bagholders.  Government is being "soooo generous" by reaching into the pockets of all dollar holders, stealing some of the purchasing power found there and then using it to create new fake bux so that Trump and buy votes for the coming election.  Listen folks, all of the elite know what is coming.  You literally have to be brain damaged to think that currency printing at multiple trillion dollars per shot along with exponentially rising debt will never matter.  How can anyone think this will end well?

The second they stop doing this is the second their Ponzi goes into no bid freefall.  The economy is totally fake so don't be fooled by it.  We ain't seen bad yet but it's damned sure coming.

1 comment:

Luke said...

Some hope in Canada:

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