Here's the truth of the matter since the mainstream media is apparently incapable of telling the full truth. This old codger walked up to these cops who were part of a so called Emergency Response Team. This is a voluntary team which is made up by cops who want special duty pay when called upon to put down uprisings. In other words, a bunch of billy bad ass wannabes who will take more fakebux in order to crack skulls. It's really just a thug force, no different than Vinny's gang down by the docks.
In any case if you walk up to the mob, get in a soldier's face and start tapping him like he's a fish tank then something bad is very likely about to happen. In this case the cop who got tapped responded with a healthy push to the chest of the old guy.
The old guy had poor balance as old guys are known to have and so he could not get his feet back under him once shoved. It was what I would call a medium shove. Anyone under the age of 60 would have withstood it after a couple steps back. So in many ways it really was not excessive force but for two things. 1) the old man just tapped the cop's bare arm. It did not threaten or hurt him at all. But it could be taken as disrespect and that is how the cop chose to take it. 2) If you do not understand that babies and old people are faaaaar less capable of handling what a 20-50 year old can handle then you have no damned common sense. But who do you think volunteers for special response? Einstein? NO! Thugs with low IQ are the front line for riot control.
In any case the codger fell back. You can see the cop who shoved him is already back in stride before the old man was even down. So it really was not what I would call a power shove. It's simply that if you have a delicate piece of glass it will break if you are not careful with it. And that is the real sin of cops. They don't care about people and so they are not careful with the people. In fact they are careless at best and jaded/calloused at worst.
So the old guy goes down and whacks his head. And then literally 2 seconds later there is blood pouring from his ear. This really is not good. Seconds later the pool was 2x that big.
The cops call an ambulance without too much haste and the man gets carted off in serious condition. This is the fair, unemotional version of what actually happened.
OK so for this small but serious lapse of judgement, the 2 cops in the picture get suspended. Suspended is not charged, it's not fired and it doesn't even say suspended without pay. Just suspended. Just removed from the action while everyone figures everything out. In response to this 57 other cops quit the ERT. The news media makes it sound like they walked off the force and left their job. But that is just not true. Only Forbes reports the full truth which is that "The Emergency Response Team members have not quit the police department, but have stepped down from the tactical unit, according to The Buffalo News sources.".
All those cops REALLY did was say, "Hey, I'm not on ERT to expose myself to lawsuits and punishment and possible loss of my easy cop job and out sized benefits. I volunteered for that team because some people need to get their asses kicked sometimes. I volunteered because doing that is fine with me and yeah, maybe I enjoy it a little. But you also have to worry about those animals spitting on you, tossing the Molotov or whacking you with a brick. But mainly, I joined because that task force pays an added salary component and I could use the money and also it adds to the value of my pension. But if someone on that thug team is going to get suspended and maybe fired or sued because management asks for thugs but doesn't like it when some thug life happens then I am outta here. It's just not worth it.".
If management had come back and said, "oh really? If you leave the team then you leave the force. We are all full of paper pushers now, we need boots on the street" then all those cops would be back on the street. So it has nothing to do with solidarity and everything to do with cop realization that management is elite and cops are not. Cops are going under the bus if anything bad happens.
I personally applaud the massive firing of as many cops as possible because all they represent is the stupid outsourcing of my personal security to a stranger who doesn't give a fuck about me. They should fire 80% of the police and then just allow open or concealed carry without a permit as long as you don't have a history of illegal gun crime. They also need to decriminalize private citizens practicing self defense. If people break into your house or garage or car or place of business, it should be legal and applauded to kill them on the spot. Period. That would send a message pretty darned quick to thugs: don't do that be cause everyone has a gun and no longer afraid to use it.
In the final analysis, people have been afraid of acting in self defense. Not afraid of the crooks mind you, but of the liberal system which tried to mandate that everyone outsource their personal safety to a bunch of thugs with 100 IQs. But as I said, the herd is turning conservative and everyone is figuring out the cops are useless and that it is incumbent upon each of us to provide for our own security. But our tax bill should also be reduced accordingly. 20% of the force should remain as detectives to figure out whodunnit when a sneak crime was committed. But when people know who did it or catch them in the act of doing it, we don't need the damned police.
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