The lockdowns and other ridiculous nanny-statism in california, the state whose name shall forever remain uncapitalized by me going forward, are now reaching the breaking point for the poor slobs who live there. Case in point is this well reasoned rant by conservative LA radio host and journalist John Ziegler in which he not only accuses the politicians of creating a crisis with their rules, he also warns them that this will never, ever be forgotten. He also says that they are going to end up in Hell for this, and that when they die it won't be from covid. His anger, the rising anger of slow to anger conservatives, is obvious. Liberal think they can go on and on and on without any retribution. I beg to differ. Conservatives are people too, and people are not a bottomless pit of self restraint. Not when someone is flaunting their stupidity in your face and telling you to like it or lump it. A breaking point will come and the SNAP! of it will be heard around the world.
I do feel sorry for the conservatives in cally. Ziegler warns that the panel of politicos better hope there isn't a Hell because they will end up there in the afterlife. But Ziegler is living in Hell during the here and now.
Dear John,
It's time to leave. Cross the border, shake the corrupt dust of cally from your shoes and make your way to a place which is more conservative so that your head doesn't pop. You might want to hurry up with that because something tells me the corrupt stink of those running that place is not going unnoticed. Something big will be happening there I think. Something bad. Get out.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Strzok stepped in it and might have gotten some on Obama. reports on the new emergence of handwritten meeting notes. The meeting was in the oval office. The notes were hand written by Peter Strzok. Notes which declare that Flynn's call was "legit" which indicated no legal issues. Yet still they weaponized the logan act against flynn.
I believe that if it is proved that this was a conspiracy by public officials to use the law to deprive Flynn of his constitutional rights that those involved should be tried under the so called "color" law. No, this is not the white man making racial statements. The full name of the law is:
From this link we can read the text of the law:
"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. "
The resulting injury to Flynn was massive. He lost everything that he worked his whole life for including house, money, job and reputation. He suffered for a long time under the immense pressure of being targeted by corrupt big government. Think about it. You know you did no wrong. You know that you being targeted is just a glib little game of politics where you are the ping pong ball. If they had done that to me I would have assumed that fighting it was futile, that my life was effectively over, and that people needed killing. No doubt. You think I am going to live in poverty and shame because someone used their political power to railroad me?? I guess some people would because they think they are going to live forever. But since I know my time is short anyway I guarantee you I would say what the fuck and then take care of business. Because I know that's what I would do, I know that this was a very serious crime against Flynn. It literally could have cost him his life.
Obama needs to be tried in open court on this matter and if found guilty (because you know damned well that fucker is guilty), sent to rot in the slam with Bill Cosby. Of course doing that would start a civil war and if that happens it would suck to be a liberal. After all, some of us own firearms and are very proficient in their use. If you are not a gun lover then you probably don't get what I am saying here. It's one thing to order a gun out of a catalog and then read the instruction manual. That is not proficiency. It cannot be compared to people who, after years of practice are simply comfortable and easy with all aspects of firearm safety, weapon selection, ammo selection, loading, walking around with in a safe manner, shooting quickly and accurately, cleaning and maintenance. I don't have to hold a handgun up, squint one eye and then aim carefully. I can draw and fire and re-holster before most gun wannabes could get the safety off. Some of us can blow the back of the enemy's skull out at 500 yards without any trouble. I have to think that a civil war would be a bit reminiscent of a turkey shoot.
I believe that if it is proved that this was a conspiracy by public officials to use the law to deprive Flynn of his constitutional rights that those involved should be tried under the so called "color" law. No, this is not the white man making racial statements. The full name of the law is:
Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law
From this link we can read the text of the law:
"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. "
The resulting injury to Flynn was massive. He lost everything that he worked his whole life for including house, money, job and reputation. He suffered for a long time under the immense pressure of being targeted by corrupt big government. Think about it. You know you did no wrong. You know that you being targeted is just a glib little game of politics where you are the ping pong ball. If they had done that to me I would have assumed that fighting it was futile, that my life was effectively over, and that people needed killing. No doubt. You think I am going to live in poverty and shame because someone used their political power to railroad me?? I guess some people would because they think they are going to live forever. But since I know my time is short anyway I guarantee you I would say what the fuck and then take care of business. Because I know that's what I would do, I know that this was a very serious crime against Flynn. It literally could have cost him his life.
Obama needs to be tried in open court on this matter and if found guilty (because you know damned well that fucker is guilty), sent to rot in the slam with Bill Cosby. Of course doing that would start a civil war and if that happens it would suck to be a liberal. After all, some of us own firearms and are very proficient in their use. If you are not a gun lover then you probably don't get what I am saying here. It's one thing to order a gun out of a catalog and then read the instruction manual. That is not proficiency. It cannot be compared to people who, after years of practice are simply comfortable and easy with all aspects of firearm safety, weapon selection, ammo selection, loading, walking around with in a safe manner, shooting quickly and accurately, cleaning and maintenance. I don't have to hold a handgun up, squint one eye and then aim carefully. I can draw and fire and re-holster before most gun wannabes could get the safety off. Some of us can blow the back of the enemy's skull out at 500 yards without any trouble. I have to think that a civil war would be a bit reminiscent of a turkey shoot.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
India and Pakistan need some of their people to kill each other.
It is amazingly obvious how this game plays once you figure it out. At the start of the debt Ponzi, economies are slow. Governments need all the people, all the investment they can get. But near the end they have too much investment, too much unprofitable production and thus too many laborers. The debt Ponzi, which increased the carrying capacity of economies, is now in the collapse stages and so the carrying capacity is falling. The population will fall, one way or the other, as a result.
The elitist answer? Make up some bullshit reason to go to war, whip the people into an emotional frenzy, wind them up and watch them go. And so we can see it beginning with India and Pakistan who are always at each other's throats anyways. But this time, the message is being sent to the elite. This time, they are reducing foreign elite presence in each other's countries by destaffing embassies.
This looks like it will likely escalate as the money continues to dry up and the carrying capacity of their economies dry up in locked step. And so at some point they will declare war. It will be for some reason that the poor person in these countries doesn't care about and might not even understand, but they will be told to send their strong young family members off to end their lives for the greater good.
I say this: if someone comes to you demanding you send your kids to battle for something you do not believe in, kill those doing the demanding. Your young family members will die anyway in the war so you have nothing to lose. Anyone who demands war can go fight it for themselves but the minute they make it our war, we should go to war with those who demand we die and suffer for shit that we don't believe in, especially when the common man never really knows why wars are started. One thing is for damned sure, wars are fought for reasons of the elite and they do not share the truth with the stupid labor force. Again, I think the odds are very high that the elite simply decide that with resources falling there needs to be a culling of the working class in order to not implode the economy as needs suddenly overwhelm the carrying capacity which debt created.
This is the message of Avengers Endgame movie. By killing half the people, Thanos got rid of starvation and suffering. They do not say how it got to be that the population grew so big that half the people had to die in order to get back to balance. Or in the case of the Georgia Guidestones, the current population of Earth would need to be reduced by about 7 billion people in order to get down to that 500 million "balance" that it mentioned. But in the case of Earth I have already exactly nailed the reason why: we accepted fake money for real and it allowed them to create a debt Ponzi. Debt was used to create production, and debt based production allowed the carrying capacity to rise. But debt is temporary and the temporary carrying capacity that debt created will at some point collapse. And then, like every other thing I predicted that came true, many people will have to die. There simply will not be the resources to sustain us all. Had we not accepted the fake money then all the leverage that grew production and thus carrying capacity would never have been possible.
But it happened and now there must be some kind of re-balancing. And when all die that needed to die in order to achieve balance, they will start the fucking Ponzi all over again because this is how the elite become elite and stay elite. What really needs to happen is for the people to rise up and make it different this time. But barring that, don't send your children to war when they come asking or even demanding because they lie about the true purpose of the war. It is not about China or Russia or that chewing gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe or whatever other lie they make up. It's about the collapse of their fucking debt Ponzi and thus I say, when they come, do not go quietly. Be ready and light them up. Don't listen to a word they say. Their sophistry is simply an attempt to essentially hypnotize you into compliance. Judge them by their deeds and actions, not their words.
The elitist answer? Make up some bullshit reason to go to war, whip the people into an emotional frenzy, wind them up and watch them go. And so we can see it beginning with India and Pakistan who are always at each other's throats anyways. But this time, the message is being sent to the elite. This time, they are reducing foreign elite presence in each other's countries by destaffing embassies.
This looks like it will likely escalate as the money continues to dry up and the carrying capacity of their economies dry up in locked step. And so at some point they will declare war. It will be for some reason that the poor person in these countries doesn't care about and might not even understand, but they will be told to send their strong young family members off to end their lives for the greater good.
I say this: if someone comes to you demanding you send your kids to battle for something you do not believe in, kill those doing the demanding. Your young family members will die anyway in the war so you have nothing to lose. Anyone who demands war can go fight it for themselves but the minute they make it our war, we should go to war with those who demand we die and suffer for shit that we don't believe in, especially when the common man never really knows why wars are started. One thing is for damned sure, wars are fought for reasons of the elite and they do not share the truth with the stupid labor force. Again, I think the odds are very high that the elite simply decide that with resources falling there needs to be a culling of the working class in order to not implode the economy as needs suddenly overwhelm the carrying capacity which debt created.
This is the message of Avengers Endgame movie. By killing half the people, Thanos got rid of starvation and suffering. They do not say how it got to be that the population grew so big that half the people had to die in order to get back to balance. Or in the case of the Georgia Guidestones, the current population of Earth would need to be reduced by about 7 billion people in order to get down to that 500 million "balance" that it mentioned. But in the case of Earth I have already exactly nailed the reason why: we accepted fake money for real and it allowed them to create a debt Ponzi. Debt was used to create production, and debt based production allowed the carrying capacity to rise. But debt is temporary and the temporary carrying capacity that debt created will at some point collapse. And then, like every other thing I predicted that came true, many people will have to die. There simply will not be the resources to sustain us all. Had we not accepted the fake money then all the leverage that grew production and thus carrying capacity would never have been possible.
But it happened and now there must be some kind of re-balancing. And when all die that needed to die in order to achieve balance, they will start the fucking Ponzi all over again because this is how the elite become elite and stay elite. What really needs to happen is for the people to rise up and make it different this time. But barring that, don't send your children to war when they come asking or even demanding because they lie about the true purpose of the war. It is not about China or Russia or that chewing gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe or whatever other lie they make up. It's about the collapse of their fucking debt Ponzi and thus I say, when they come, do not go quietly. Be ready and light them up. Don't listen to a word they say. Their sophistry is simply an attempt to essentially hypnotize you into compliance. Judge them by their deeds and actions, not their words.
Anyone who gets a covid test will be entered into the global DNA databank.
The elite would like two things very much: to have our DNA and to have free access to inject substances into our bodies at will. I do not claim to know what the injections are all about, but it looks like they will at some point become mandatory lest you become no longer employable, no longer admitted into public places, etc. But that is in the future. Today it is clear to me that covid testing is being used to collect DNA data.
If asked if that is true, they will say, yes, we do DNA analysis looking for covid DNA. Per this article, "Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 work by detecting viral genetic material in nasal swabs, throat swabs and saliva samples collected from patients". Well folks, when they do a DNA test on your biosample, do you really think they just toss out the data that has nothing to do with covid? You know, your DNA signature? They have a good crisis and you think they are going to just waste it? Really? I can guarantee you they are keeping your DNA results. They aren't telling anyone but then why would they? As long as nobody questions anything they will quietly keep doing what is good for them and bad for us.
I would opt out of any such testing unless you want to give your DNA to the government so that they can do whatever they want with it, including making a determination as to whether you are "essential" when they begin enforcing their Georgia Guidestone protocols:
How do I know this is what they are up to? Simply because if I was an evil fuck who had no regard for human life besides their own this is exactly what I would be doing. EXACTLY. As in "so obvious it hurts".
If asked if that is true, they will say, yes, we do DNA analysis looking for covid DNA. Per this article, "Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 work by detecting viral genetic material in nasal swabs, throat swabs and saliva samples collected from patients". Well folks, when they do a DNA test on your biosample, do you really think they just toss out the data that has nothing to do with covid? You know, your DNA signature? They have a good crisis and you think they are going to just waste it? Really? I can guarantee you they are keeping your DNA results. They aren't telling anyone but then why would they? As long as nobody questions anything they will quietly keep doing what is good for them and bad for us.
I would opt out of any such testing unless you want to give your DNA to the government so that they can do whatever they want with it, including making a determination as to whether you are "essential" when they begin enforcing their Georgia Guidestone protocols:
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
How do I know this is what they are up to? Simply because if I was an evil fuck who had no regard for human life besides their own this is exactly what I would be doing. EXACTLY. As in "so obvious it hurts".
Do you really think they can stop?
I love it when people look at a Ponzi scheme and then hope for a soft landing even though it is completely impossible to happen. And now, as we race toward that coming massive peak and then collapse, look at what is happening. First we had 6 trillion of new fake money sent out in order to stave off, temporarily, the next market and economic crash. And now only 3 months later they are preparing yet another 3 trillion in tourniquet payments.
To call this "generous" is to laugh in the face of bagholders. Government is being "soooo generous" by reaching into the pockets of all dollar holders, stealing some of the purchasing power found there and then using it to create new fake bux so that Trump and buy votes for the coming election. Listen folks, all of the elite know what is coming. You literally have to be brain damaged to think that currency printing at multiple trillion dollars per shot along with exponentially rising debt will never matter. How can anyone think this will end well?
The second they stop doing this is the second their Ponzi goes into no bid freefall. The economy is totally fake so don't be fooled by it. We ain't seen bad yet but it's damned sure coming.
To call this "generous" is to laugh in the face of bagholders. Government is being "soooo generous" by reaching into the pockets of all dollar holders, stealing some of the purchasing power found there and then using it to create new fake bux so that Trump and buy votes for the coming election. Listen folks, all of the elite know what is coming. You literally have to be brain damaged to think that currency printing at multiple trillion dollars per shot along with exponentially rising debt will never matter. How can anyone think this will end well?
The second they stop doing this is the second their Ponzi goes into no bid freefall. The economy is totally fake so don't be fooled by it. We ain't seen bad yet but it's damned sure coming.
Trump is the anti-Biden
OK I always have to lead off with the fact that I am no fan of Donald Trump. Aside from his other obvious maturity flaws, he talks about tax reduction but then does not reduce government spend. So in order to pay for it, the government debases the currency, AKA monetizing the debt. Inflating the money supply is a form of sneaky taxation and eventually it turns into the destruction of the money supply. Trump did not start this but he also did nothing to oppose it. Trump thinks that a soaring stock market which is paid for by debasement of the currency is a positive thing. So he is absolutely not a friend to the working class even though they are the ones who seem to like him the most. Ignorance is bliss.
With that said, Trump is not conspiring against the USA. Hillary certainly was. She was full on socialist, even laughing about her self proclaimed "mao suit". She was trying to enslave everyone in the US under socialism which then devolves into communism and a police state. And Biden? Besides being a creepy pedo and a stuffed shirt, the man is practically disabled by Alzheimer's. This is not a political jab at Biden. Joe Biden is 77 years old and it has caught up with his mental capacity. That is just a statement of cold hard fact. Like all Alzheimer's victims, Biden has good days and bad days. But the good days are lower highs and the bad days are fall off a cliff bad.
The latest thing to note about Biden is that he is losing the ability to speak clearly. He now slurs perceptibly in every other sentence even on his best days. He speaks like is mouth is full of cotton. Here is a very recent example of this. On his worst days he is totally confused, mistaking momentarily wife for sister. This is not a "gaffe". This is driving down the road at 100mph when the steering wheel suddenly comes off in your hands. Alzheimers is degenerative at an exponential rate. Biden will be in diapers within 2-3 years. There is zero chance that he could finish one term if elected. Whoever runs with Biden is actually running for president. Biden is just the placeholder.
But back to Trump. I watched part of his recent rally in Tulsa where he connected with people even if he was not very well prepared to speak to the issues. It was more of a complaint about bad treatment in the press. But then I also watched part of a "students for trump"even in Phoenix and I was actually impressed with the speaking momentum he built. It was energetic but not the usual Trump repetition with fillers such as "very very good/bad" and then repeating that 3x in slightly different ways in order to fill time. He went from talking point to talking point spending the right amount of time, transitioning well, etc. It was like having youth around him energized him. I was quite impressed really, and I do not say that often of Trump speeches.
What Trump has done by this is to throw down the gauntlet in front of creepy Joe. Think about it: where is Biden? We only have a few months until the election yet he is not campaigning actively. Where are his rallies? Where are all of the usual campaign whistle stops? It's like Sleepy Joe thinks he can spend the morning on Morning Joe denying his sexual assault on national TV and that constitutes his campaign. He cannot possibly win on his own merits. Yes, I know what the polls are being quoted as saying and that the vegas bookmakers are picking up on it, but this is just like in 2016 when Hillary had massive money supporting her, all the polls were in her favor blah blah blah. The dems thought it was a shoo-in back then and many are acting like it is a shoo-in now. I do not agree that Biden is a shoo-in. I think he will be lucky not to have a stroke before election day. I think the left believes it can win using dirty tricks like those that AOC applauded. All of a sudden, let's change the long standing laws and allow vote by mail (AKA vote by dead or fictitious people). I believe that the left is putting Biden in there regardless of his obvious mental state because they think they can steal the election with dirty tricks. I don't see any other reason to put Biden up there like that, embarrassing himself in his senior moments when he should be enjoying his last few years in an adult community, planting flowers or golfing the rest of his life away.
I don't think it will work. Everyone, including Mish Shedlock thinks Trump will lose. I personally have more faith in our centrist dems than to think they will accept Biden simply for being "not Trump". Time will tell but if Biden wants to have a chance then he will have to publicly campaign like Trump is doing, and I don't see Biden as really being able to do that anymore. Not without having so many senior moments that he does himself more harm than good.
With that said, Trump is not conspiring against the USA. Hillary certainly was. She was full on socialist, even laughing about her self proclaimed "mao suit". She was trying to enslave everyone in the US under socialism which then devolves into communism and a police state. And Biden? Besides being a creepy pedo and a stuffed shirt, the man is practically disabled by Alzheimer's. This is not a political jab at Biden. Joe Biden is 77 years old and it has caught up with his mental capacity. That is just a statement of cold hard fact. Like all Alzheimer's victims, Biden has good days and bad days. But the good days are lower highs and the bad days are fall off a cliff bad.
The latest thing to note about Biden is that he is losing the ability to speak clearly. He now slurs perceptibly in every other sentence even on his best days. He speaks like is mouth is full of cotton. Here is a very recent example of this. On his worst days he is totally confused, mistaking momentarily wife for sister. This is not a "gaffe". This is driving down the road at 100mph when the steering wheel suddenly comes off in your hands. Alzheimers is degenerative at an exponential rate. Biden will be in diapers within 2-3 years. There is zero chance that he could finish one term if elected. Whoever runs with Biden is actually running for president. Biden is just the placeholder.
But back to Trump. I watched part of his recent rally in Tulsa where he connected with people even if he was not very well prepared to speak to the issues. It was more of a complaint about bad treatment in the press. But then I also watched part of a "students for trump"even in Phoenix and I was actually impressed with the speaking momentum he built. It was energetic but not the usual Trump repetition with fillers such as "very very good/bad" and then repeating that 3x in slightly different ways in order to fill time. He went from talking point to talking point spending the right amount of time, transitioning well, etc. It was like having youth around him energized him. I was quite impressed really, and I do not say that often of Trump speeches.
What Trump has done by this is to throw down the gauntlet in front of creepy Joe. Think about it: where is Biden? We only have a few months until the election yet he is not campaigning actively. Where are his rallies? Where are all of the usual campaign whistle stops? It's like Sleepy Joe thinks he can spend the morning on Morning Joe denying his sexual assault on national TV and that constitutes his campaign. He cannot possibly win on his own merits. Yes, I know what the polls are being quoted as saying and that the vegas bookmakers are picking up on it, but this is just like in 2016 when Hillary had massive money supporting her, all the polls were in her favor blah blah blah. The dems thought it was a shoo-in back then and many are acting like it is a shoo-in now. I do not agree that Biden is a shoo-in. I think he will be lucky not to have a stroke before election day. I think the left believes it can win using dirty tricks like those that AOC applauded. All of a sudden, let's change the long standing laws and allow vote by mail (AKA vote by dead or fictitious people). I believe that the left is putting Biden in there regardless of his obvious mental state because they think they can steal the election with dirty tricks. I don't see any other reason to put Biden up there like that, embarrassing himself in his senior moments when he should be enjoying his last few years in an adult community, planting flowers or golfing the rest of his life away.
I don't think it will work. Everyone, including Mish Shedlock thinks Trump will lose. I personally have more faith in our centrist dems than to think they will accept Biden simply for being "not Trump". Time will tell but if Biden wants to have a chance then he will have to publicly campaign like Trump is doing, and I don't see Biden as really being able to do that anymore. Not without having so many senior moments that he does himself more harm than good.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Centrist dems are doing face slaps at their far left representation
Centrist Dems, as I have said all along, are not crazy. They are just liberal leaning. They are more likely to be academics, artists and gay, but they go to work, pay their bills on time, pay their taxes, care for their children, have saving and low to reasonable debt, etc. just like conservatives. It's the left, not all Dems, that are the problem. The world would be a greyer place without Dems.
And centrist Dems do not like dirty tricks. They do not think of them as clever or funny. Centrist Dems have a sense of fair play. So when AOC applauds her leftist constituency for faking up the ticket request to the recent Trump rally, centrist Dems are doing face slaps and saying "make it stop". They do not want to be associated with this kind of childish crap. They believe in winning races based on their own cause on its merits, not by slashing the tires of the opponent. This has clearly gone right over AOC's little pea brain.
It will be a MAJOR turning point if centrist Dem Michelle Caruso-Cabrera beats AOC, the "temperamental princess", out of her congressional seat. I think Caruso-Cabrera perfectly stated the position of all centrist Dems with that one liner, "temperamental princess" which is of course a nice way to say spoiled child.
And centrist Dems do not like dirty tricks. They do not think of them as clever or funny. Centrist Dems have a sense of fair play. So when AOC applauds her leftist constituency for faking up the ticket request to the recent Trump rally, centrist Dems are doing face slaps and saying "make it stop". They do not want to be associated with this kind of childish crap. They believe in winning races based on their own cause on its merits, not by slashing the tires of the opponent. This has clearly gone right over AOC's little pea brain.
It will be a MAJOR turning point if centrist Dem Michelle Caruso-Cabrera beats AOC, the "temperamental princess", out of her congressional seat. I think Caruso-Cabrera perfectly stated the position of all centrist Dems with that one liner, "temperamental princess" which is of course a nice way to say spoiled child.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Corrupt California cops kill 18 year old security guard and then plant a gun on scene.
Mark my words, one of the cops involved in this ridiculous shooting of an 18 year old security guard is going to turn state's evidence on the shooter. The kid's family swears up and down he did not own, possess or use any gun, yet a gun turned up on scene. $20 says that the gun was of the typical throw away variety also known as a burner. Probably a revolver, 4" barrel, .38 special caliber I would say.
How can I possibly be so specific about the gun description even though nobody has said what kind of gun was "recovered" (planted) from the scene? SIMPLE: that's what they call a "Saturday Night Special". They are easy to buy from underground sources and revolvers are relatively low cost. Now, if someone actually bought a gun for themselves it would most likely be semi auto. I have a .357 magnum Ruger GP100 6" bbl for home protection. I like it because 6 rounds of that caliber will be enough. But for carrying around town, I like my 9mm Ruger because it is thinner and works better for concealed carry. Also, it draws cleaner from its holster than the GP100. Both of these are high quality firearms. This is not the kind of gun that you plant. When corrupt cops need to plant a gun, they don't go find an expensive semi auto like the Ruger. They find a piece of shit Saturday Night Special revolver made in Italy or Brazil. They will take it from a gang member and then never turn it into the evidence room.
Here's a little suggestion for police chiefs who want to clean up their ranks. Tomorrow at roll call inform everyone that their lockers are being searched and their police vehicles too for illicit weapons. See how many of them break out into a cold sweat. At least 5-10% will crap their fucking pants on the spot. That's how disgustingly corrupt and dirty the police are. But the sad part is that the other 90-95% know that the 5-10% exist and yet they say nothing. So the entire fucking police force is corrupt. Criminals. Felons, all of them, if judged by their own rules.
The family whose son was gunned down by the police showed up and began demanding answers on what happened. Of course they were lied to. If that family was smart, at least one member would have been filming the entire thing, making sure to find out who the shooter was and getting all their names and badge numbers on camera before the police union can put a block on the information. If the dead boy's life mattered, the family needs to eventually take care of business. The right way to do this is to let the cops keep telling lies and get it all documented and then take them to court and try to prove the gun was a plant. Look for fingerprints on the shell casings. Look for gunpowder residue on the victim and in his home. It is very stinky stuff and trace amounts can be smelled even by the human nose simply for handling ammo.
The proper investigation will prove that the gun was planted. It's so obvious. Get each of the cops into a separate room, remind them what is going on in the world and the fact that cops cannot count on the politicians to stand up for them, especially in a highly charged election year. Tell each cop that if they cross that blue line and tell the truth that the first one to do so will get immunity and all others will be fired and then charges will be filed on them for falsifying official documents. And of course, the shooter will have to be charged with capital "murder 1" and then tampering with evidence, falsifying reports, etc. You know, the entire book. 8 or 10 bad felony charges plus the capital murder biggee. I guarantee you that one of them will roll over on the others. 100%.
The family will then receive compensation for the wrongful death. That compensation should then be used to go buy justice in whatever way the family sees fit. Otherwise their son's life didn't matter even a little bit, did it?
How can I possibly be so specific about the gun description even though nobody has said what kind of gun was "recovered" (planted) from the scene? SIMPLE: that's what they call a "Saturday Night Special". They are easy to buy from underground sources and revolvers are relatively low cost. Now, if someone actually bought a gun for themselves it would most likely be semi auto. I have a .357 magnum Ruger GP100 6" bbl for home protection. I like it because 6 rounds of that caliber will be enough. But for carrying around town, I like my 9mm Ruger because it is thinner and works better for concealed carry. Also, it draws cleaner from its holster than the GP100. Both of these are high quality firearms. This is not the kind of gun that you plant. When corrupt cops need to plant a gun, they don't go find an expensive semi auto like the Ruger. They find a piece of shit Saturday Night Special revolver made in Italy or Brazil. They will take it from a gang member and then never turn it into the evidence room.
Here's a little suggestion for police chiefs who want to clean up their ranks. Tomorrow at roll call inform everyone that their lockers are being searched and their police vehicles too for illicit weapons. See how many of them break out into a cold sweat. At least 5-10% will crap their fucking pants on the spot. That's how disgustingly corrupt and dirty the police are. But the sad part is that the other 90-95% know that the 5-10% exist and yet they say nothing. So the entire fucking police force is corrupt. Criminals. Felons, all of them, if judged by their own rules.
The family whose son was gunned down by the police showed up and began demanding answers on what happened. Of course they were lied to. If that family was smart, at least one member would have been filming the entire thing, making sure to find out who the shooter was and getting all their names and badge numbers on camera before the police union can put a block on the information. If the dead boy's life mattered, the family needs to eventually take care of business. The right way to do this is to let the cops keep telling lies and get it all documented and then take them to court and try to prove the gun was a plant. Look for fingerprints on the shell casings. Look for gunpowder residue on the victim and in his home. It is very stinky stuff and trace amounts can be smelled even by the human nose simply for handling ammo.
The proper investigation will prove that the gun was planted. It's so obvious. Get each of the cops into a separate room, remind them what is going on in the world and the fact that cops cannot count on the politicians to stand up for them, especially in a highly charged election year. Tell each cop that if they cross that blue line and tell the truth that the first one to do so will get immunity and all others will be fired and then charges will be filed on them for falsifying official documents. And of course, the shooter will have to be charged with capital "murder 1" and then tampering with evidence, falsifying reports, etc. You know, the entire book. 8 or 10 bad felony charges plus the capital murder biggee. I guarantee you that one of them will roll over on the others. 100%.
The family will then receive compensation for the wrongful death. That compensation should then be used to go buy justice in whatever way the family sees fit. Otherwise their son's life didn't matter even a little bit, did it?
Liberal Jimmy Kimmel learns what "liberals eat their own" means.
Liberal late night TV show host Jimmy Kimmel was forced to leave his show "temporarily" for having had the bad luck of doing a very well done black impersonation (AKA blackface). Kimmel will now take the summer off to spend more time with family, which is to say, he's fired and the show is cancelled and now needs to think about what to do next in his life.
When it's all said and done you will see that the real reason for going after these rich liberals by the poor ones is that they were successful. For liberals it is now open season on anyone who has found success. And they don't care if they are attacking a conservative or a liberal. We already knew that from the riots where it is well documented that black business owners were not spared from the fake BLM mob when it came to looting and burning. That's because the mob is just using BLM as a front for being a mob.
Well bye bye Jimmy, I'm sure your ratings were slipping anyway. The herd needs to replace you with someone a bit more conservative now.
When it's all said and done you will see that the real reason for going after these rich liberals by the poor ones is that they were successful. For liberals it is now open season on anyone who has found success. And they don't care if they are attacking a conservative or a liberal. We already knew that from the riots where it is well documented that black business owners were not spared from the fake BLM mob when it came to looting and burning. That's because the mob is just using BLM as a front for being a mob.
Well bye bye Jimmy, I'm sure your ratings were slipping anyway. The herd needs to replace you with someone a bit more conservative now.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrerra to take on AOC
Centrist dem Michelle Caruso-Cabrerra will be running against bartender Ocasio Cortez. Apparently the adults in the room decided that the children had been allowed to play too much. The outcome of this election will be very telling. If AOC wins then socialism is winning. But if AOC gets her stupid ass handed to her by the much smarter Caruso-Cabrerra then conservatism wins yet another important battle and AOC can go back to collecting ride tickets at the carnival or whatever she was doing before she got elected into congress.
But what if I want it more than they do?
Movies often contain scenes that are only very loosely tied to the plot. When I see this I know someone is putting their little message in which will go over the heads of most people. In guardians of the galaxy there was one such scene in which Rocket Racoon questioned why couldn't he have someone else's stuff simply based on the the notion that he wanted it more than the owner did. It was a clear reference to the question-ability of property ownership. It was a clear jab at mob-driven socialism.
After all, the elite have known this day was coming for quite some time now, as discussed in this past post. Even though he himself was clearly part of the problem, Nick Hanauer correctly stated that when the wealth divide gets too great, the result is a pitchfork revolution. This has been a long time coming. In early 2018 I documented the fact that the UN was warning about a lack of civility coming. That's elite speak for "we fucked 'em so hard that they are going to riot soon".
So it should not come as a surprise when we read about a lack of property rights in that liberal joke called CHAZ. In that story, a protestor left $400 and some computer gear in his tent which was of course quickly stolen. Upon complaining, fellow chadsters praised the victim for his "unplanned donation" to maybe a "disadvantaged resident" by saying "you did good today, I'm proud of you".

I find it hysterical to watch one liberal use liberal talk to try to convince a fellow liberal that he should just forget about his loss and move on with life. With comedy like this who needs TV. These people are literally insane and mentally defective. Their brains are so fucked up that they can never live in a real productive society. This experience is going to damage their brains for life.
After all, the elite have known this day was coming for quite some time now, as discussed in this past post. Even though he himself was clearly part of the problem, Nick Hanauer correctly stated that when the wealth divide gets too great, the result is a pitchfork revolution. This has been a long time coming. In early 2018 I documented the fact that the UN was warning about a lack of civility coming. That's elite speak for "we fucked 'em so hard that they are going to riot soon".
So it should not come as a surprise when we read about a lack of property rights in that liberal joke called CHAZ. In that story, a protestor left $400 and some computer gear in his tent which was of course quickly stolen. Upon complaining, fellow chadsters praised the victim for his "unplanned donation" to maybe a "disadvantaged resident" by saying "you did good today, I'm proud of you".
I find it hysterical to watch one liberal use liberal talk to try to convince a fellow liberal that he should just forget about his loss and move on with life. With comedy like this who needs TV. These people are literally insane and mentally defective. Their brains are so fucked up that they can never live in a real productive society. This experience is going to damage their brains for life.
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