So the US is sanctioning Venezuela for whatever reason on and off these days. Sanctions are economic and thus the criminals in Venezuela want to repatriate the gold that is being held for the country of Venezuela in the UK. They put it over there in the first place so that the UK can fractionally reserve the gold, lending it out for interest in return for supposedly safe storage. But now Venezuela wants some independence from the US economic sanctions and so it is asking for its gold back.
Well you would think that it is a no brainer; it's their gold, so give it back. Sure, the dicks running that country are nothing but criminals but they are still the acknowledged leaders and so they should have the right to make sovereign decisions about the wealth of the nation. Yes, yes, I know, if they get the gold back they are only going to steal it and use it to prop up their Ponzi. All of the nation's real wealth will be blown and squandered by the very few and for the personal gain of the oligarchs. I know this.
But whose job is it to say they can't have it?? The USA? No. It is the job of the citizens of that country to rise up in their millions and kill off their corrupt leaders and if they don't have the stones to do that then they have no right to anything. In fact, if they are not willing to fight for it then their corrupt leaders will have proved that they want it more than the people do.
This is not my wish, this is a simple statement of fact. Those people will continue to get bent over the log until they arm themselves and start rioting even to the point of killing oligarchs. This is the basic notion of the so called pitchfork revolution. This is exactly what the founders of the USA said in clear written terms when they wrote, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.".
"Throw off" is old school lingo for "shoot they asses". No, really. It's true.
The assholes in charge fear one thing and one thing only: popular uprising which threatens their place in power and/or their lives. You can see it happening in France right now. The French criminal in chief Macron said, "Hey, we need more money in order to prop up our failing socialist programs. I think we will just add more tax to the fuel". Well he didn't say it like that because of course he's French. He would have said it in French. But you get the idea. The people responded with this:
Macron's response, "well maybe this is not a good time for more taxes".
The French just proved that my long standing sentiment "might makes right, always has always will" is correct. Also, my view that the ultimate might is always in the hands of the people, if only they will stop infighting long enough to organize and mobilize. These are the things most feared by corrupt powers.
Now, back to my point about storing your gold with someone else. IF you do, it's not really yours. The US proved that when we closed the gold window under Nixon in 1971. If you are new around here or need a refresher about how the USA ripped everyone else off back then read this. So for some time now Venezuela has been demanding its 14 metric tonnes of gold back but so far the answer is "no". Laughably (if it wasn't to cry for), "Venezuela’s gold bar withdrawal delay is being caused by the difficulty and cost in obtaining insurance for the gold shipment, and also because the Bank of England wants to know what Venezuela plans to do with its gold once it receives it.".
Are you laughing at these reasons? I hope so. It's that much of an obvious joke. Since when did it take many months to put on insurance for a transportation event that should take less than 48 hours from UK vaults to Venezuelan vaults? And where do you even read Venezuela demanding insurance? Venezuela has military aircraft, both cargo planes and fighter jets as well as tankers to take them around the world if needed. Who needs insurance when you can defend yourself from all pirates, etc.? What what business is it, pray tell, of the UK liars and con men to question what the rightful owners of the gold in question plan to do with it? Whose fucking daddy do they think they are?
The Venezuelans were stupid enough to store their national wealth in someone else's possession. There is still a good chance they will get it back because the collapse of the Global Debt Ponzi has not yet begun and for now everyone is still trying to act like the global economy still has some semblance of order but I only give that a few years, best case. So why doesn't the UK just given them back their measly 14 tonnes? SIMPLE: because even 1 tonne is hard to come by if you have loaned the gold out in a contract to someone else for money. The bank of england cannot just liquidate contracts that have not expired yet. They need to delay returning Venezuela's gold until it comes back off contract. That, and that alone is why owner's demands for repayment of their gold have not been complied with.
Now, imagine you are smart enough to buy gold instead of contributing to an IRA or 401k that will eventually be confiscated just as soon as the government can no longer borrow more money to pay the bills. But also imagine that you trusted someone else to hold onto your gold more than you trusted yourself. Don't ask me why people are so anxious to do that but apparently it is common. And now imagine that the shit hits the fan. What are the chances of you getting your gold back? I'm telling you right now, the chance will be 0.0% because as soon as the government can no longer put on the show of solvency it will in a coordinated fashion take over/nationalize all gold storage locations. It will do so on a temporary basis and for your protection. But you will never see your gold again. Once they have to tip their hand that the country is massively bankrupt, the US government will do the same kinds of Venezuela,Argentina, Hungry, Zimbabwe, Russia [put whatever corrupt fiat currency government name you like here] has had to resort to when the Ponzi finally ends.
I will, on that day, and with the justification that I fucking told them so, laugh my ass off at how gullible people are. These things I am writing about didn't happen just 2000 or 500 years ago. They are happening today to the marginal players who are always hit the first and eventually the worst. I will never understand why ANY American is foolish enough to put his hard earned cash into a government controlled long term retirement account when there is the simple option which is still readily available: buy and hoard bullion coins in your own physical possession for your retirement.
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