Thursday, December 13, 2018

Gee, who'd a thunk it?

Not long ago in this post I predicted that the Boy Scouts was doomed.  Yeah, back then it sounded like "oh sure, like that is ever going to happen".   Today's news shows that it is under real threat of going BK.  The liberal helmsmen of that once conservative organization (pre 1990s) think that going BK will allow them to ditch their debtors and then keep going.



That is never going to happen.

Going BK is exactly the opposite of the charter of the old boy scouts.  They used to say that scouts were Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

But filing for BK is neither trustworthy nor brave; it is the path of losers and cowards.  Thus, nobody will want to associated with the Bankrupt Scouts of Scamerica once they BK.  If people thought that BSA was just down on its luck then it could survive this conservative wave but they know BSA is yet another organization where homosexuals infiltrated the conservative organizations (just like the Catholic church...) during the rise of extreme liberalism and so now I can guarantee you that BSA is going under. 

All we have to see is its functional replacement which has a strict rule: "you are the gender that it says on your birth certificate despite what you might read in the papers otherwise this organization is not for you"

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