Saturday, December 8, 2018

Brace for economic claymore attack.

As an ex US Airforce member with AFSC 46170 (AMMO!) (E-5 7 level at the time of receipt of my DD form 214), I handled every type of munition out there, even with a brief stint of working with nukes on Guam.  One of the nastiest forms of anti-PAM (Personnel And Material) munitions is the M18A1 Claymore mine.  It's like a monster shotgun with a negative choke (fast/wide spread of the BBs).  The 50 meter effective range of these devices is not very far and so in past ground wars the people setting these traps would do so along a trail.  The trap setters would then figure out which way the herd would run when the loud blast went off and people ahead of them got turned into Swiss cheese.  When something like this occurs in a war zone the people coming under attack do not have time to think, so they react.  And such reactions could be anticipated by someone who did have time to think.  So when the first mine was detonated the victims would run right into the waiting arms of the second one and then be driven by that blast into the third one.

I see the same things happening soon with sovereign central banks.  All of them are already bankrupt and all you have to know is what the national debt is.  IF the debt is un-payable, the country is bankrupt and the central bank will go down with the country.

So while it is now inevitable that the next Claymore will go off in the not too distant future (the collapse of sovereign central banks if not sovereignty itself for many smaller players), we need to look at where the con men running this shit show of fake money are pointing us.  When the collapse of the current global fake money scheme happens they will present a higher confidence way to restart the same damned Ponzi at one higher level of abstraction.

In order to gain your confidence for the future, truths have to be told before the collapse hits.  That is why we are seeing more plain truths spoken from the central bank of central banks, AKA the BIS, Bank for International Settlements.  They have their own fake money system called SDRs which, if you listen to people like Jim Rickards, they are already planning to use as a replacement when people finally lose confidence in the faith based Petrodollar.

They are already planning the next step and they already know that it must eventually happen. They are telling us this in pretty clear terms. They are just waiting for the herd to finally realize that the current system of fake money is a scam so that they can use that Claymore blast to push us into the next equally scam ridden use of SDRs as currency.


Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Dear Author, when the claymore goes off, will you stop in your tracks or will you run in a particular direction? What is your plan when this goes down, or is there any action one can take? I know Gold is the opt-out of the system, but even that seems too simple of an answer.

The Captain said...


First, it starts with having real money when the fake money dies. So I have no 401k for government thieves to steal, no large bank account to steal. Instead I am become my own central banker. I have gold and silver coins and a little money in the bank and some money in the markets. But my retirement money is all i n bullion coins safe from "men with pens" syndrome and they are the primary threat IMO. As the money dies, men with pens (politicians) begin to attack whomever still has something to take. It's happening right now in Seattle and SFO as the localities put "homeless tax" on their best and brightest corporations. 10 years ago the notion that something like that could ever happen was the stuff of fantasy novels. Now in SFO it is law. To the corporations there it is a shock. To me it is history repeating (well really just history being a fractal...). Failure to see the trend reaching fulfillment is a big mistake. It was time to suspend disbelief a long time ago.

I personally see the collapse of the fake dollar system as happening over a period of years where the great stagflation is just as likely as a greater depression. Both will bring misery and years of Venezuelan style pain to most people because most people have not prepared.

I really don't see a Mad Max style collapse happening but it could happen if we devolve into civil war. And if you look at the politicians they are getting ever closer to my predictions of fist fights on the floor of congress. And as I predicted very clearly in these pages, it's the liberals doing all the bad shit. It was a liberal who blind sided Rand Paul in a liberal rage and broke several of his ribs. It was a liberal that shot up a Republican baseball game, shooting 1 sitting senator in the process. It is the liberals who are buying into the notion of harassing Ted Cruz and his family into having to get up and leave a restaurant. They fear the end of their "programs" is coming, and rightly so.

But back to your question, I am prepared to shelter in place and I am prepared to move to my property in the Bahamas. I have 15.3 kW of solar on my roof in TX and 21kW of solar in panels in storage on my property in the Bahamas. In the next year I will finish the refit of my 42' fishing yacht which will be stored at the property. So if all else failed, I'd have to settle for fresh fish and lobster every night which I would eat in my sunlight powered air conditioned home there. I have reverse osmosis for water generation. So the place is self sufficient without having to live some kind of wilderness lifestyle.

I have enough guns and ammo to fight a small war. I have emergency food for when the inevitable supply chain interruptions occur. None of this happened overnight. It took time to plan a solution which I could live a normal life with a nice vacation and retirement home if it takes longer than my time on Earth for the Global Debt Ponzi to collapse, while still giving me options for dealing with a grave economic collapse if I live to see it (I will - exponential debt rise will ensure that).

For me, the claymore will not cause shock and awe. I will not be afraid. Only people caught unawares and unprepared need be afraid.

By the way, I am not trying to brag or show off somehow here. Why would I care what strangers think? I hope it has not escaped newer readers that this blog has no ads. I have no revenue generation mechanism in place for all of the work I have done on this blog for the past 8 years. This blog is not about making money; it was clearly stated in the charter that I will never have ads on this blog. The only goal was to document what people should be looking at, and why. This is my pay it forward space, my thank you to life for having treated me so well.

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