All of the socialist Wimpy promises cost money. The honest but difficult thing to do is to "ask" the people to pay taxes. Most of the time the people cannot self-organize to the degree needed to physically defend themselves from these mafia style, deal-you-can't-refuse "asks". But at certain points in the time continuum, the people lose hope and start to feel they have nothing left to lose. So, as Gerald Celente likes to say, they lose it. People in France are losing it.
I have explained many times about how things really work in this world and the situation in France is backing my world view 100%. If sufficient numbers of people did not self organize against the tyranny of taxation then the oligarchs would clean them out. The few that would complain too loudly would be beaten, jailed or killed. That's because might makes right and always has with the human race. If someone has the power to enslave you, you damned sure need to understand that this is just what they will do at their soonest opportunity because slaves are one of the best investment a person can make. Free labor=free money.
At the same time the "leaders" have to be careful because if they push too hard and the slaves revolt too angrily then it can quickly lead to getting Ghadaffied - pulled into the street by your hair and then getting shot in the face. The French leaders know this very well and so they will eventually back down on their overt, truthfully corrupt attempt to fill the budget holes off the backs of the working class. After that is decided, there is little else to do except begin inflating the currency (money printing). Of course, as new money is printed it chases up the price of things and so over time more and more money has to be printed tomorrow in order to pay for the same government expenses that cost less yesterday. Massive inflation is coming to Europe because the marginal players are always hit first and worst.
The only way people can avoid this sneaky inflation tax is to store their wealth outside of the fake money system of the government. I've written this 100 times over the last 10 years in these pages if I have written it once. These same principles will eventually apply to the USA because we all globally live in a debt based economy using fake money based on fiat currency and fictional reserve banking. It's a giant fucking scam and I feel sorry for anyone who does not have the insight or intelligence to move their wealth in the only real money on the planet, the only money which has been universally and globally recognized and accepted not just today but as far back into history as you care to go, and that is physical gold and silver metal.
If you don't know how to buy physical coins, check out They will sell you 1 coin for the same price that Monex charges per coin but to get the Monex price you have to buy a "unit" which is 10 gold 1 ozt coins or 200 silver 1 ozt coins. Monex also charges for shipping and Austin TX based (with whom I do not have any business arrangements besides being a customer of theirs) has free shipping options.
If you are putting money into an IRA know this right now: these accounts are government controlled. They have all the control, you have none. And with a stroke of a pen they can, and eventually will, nationalize it and then fund our failing and wasteful federal government with your retirement earnings. You will not be able to make investment decisions because they will force it all into "safe" treasuries after a period of high market volatility. There will be a good sounding cover story for it all but the effect will be the same: they will lock your wealth up in their vaults so they can inflate the value of it away as fast as possible.
Saving with gold and silver physical bullion coins is very easy and when its done, the taxes are all paid up front (like a Roth IRA) and your wealth is in an asset that can never go bankrupt. Massive inflation will be the friend of gold and silver. Cost average into these metals over time, just like you do with any other IRA and you will be assured of having a strong retirement account waiting for you when the time comes that you need it. Forget about tax deferral, that is the bait which will turn out to be a tiny nothing of benefit once they set the hook. Also, when the inflation comes, it comes fast and hard. So don't think to yourself, well, inflation hasn't been so bad around here and thus it will never become bad. That is just stupid. Massive if not hyper inflation onsets with exponential speed. The chart below shows that gold went up 3.1 million percent in less than one year when priced in the fake paper money known as Venezuelan Bolivars. Of course gold got no more or less valuable. Gold is the standard, not fake paper money. So the right way to look at this is that the Bolivar is only worth 1 3 millionth of a percent today as it was at the start of the year. Gold did not go up; the Bolivar simply took the next step downward toward its intrinsic value of zero. The Bolivar is no different than the Yuan, Yen, Euro or dollar. It's just the fake paper money of a smaller economic flywheel and so it gets hit first and worst. But holders of fake paper based assets of all kinds will soon enough feel similar pain while holders of gold and silver will quietly look on from the sidelines wondering why so few people had any clue about what had to eventually happen.
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