Thursday, January 28, 2021

Maricopa county, AZ, will perform audit voting machines

Wait-a-hold-it.  I thought the election was over.  I thought we were all supposed to stop talking about election fraud now that Biden's in the white house.  After all, we don't want to be accused of inciting "insurrection" by the left, now do we??  Besides, can't we all just get past the whole "election fraud" hoax because after all there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE whatsoever of any kind of voting fraud AT ALL.  Really.  Trust me.

This is the spew coming out of the left and of course it is completely false.  There is a ton of evidence of election fraud.  Maybe the left should walk their "absolutely no evidence" statements back now that Rachel Rodriquez has been taken into custody and charges with multiple election fraud related charges.  Or maybe that actually doesn't count as evidence in the eyes of dumb ass liberals.

But regardless of that, I thought the election results were certified, good to go, move along folks, nothing to see here.  So if that is the case then why is Maricopa County AZ. now saying it will pay for a forensic audit of the corrupted voting machines used to help steal the election?

Well you never know which thread you pull on to unravel the sweater but sooner or later it will happen.  There is just too much over the top lies, fraud and other illegal corrupt behavior for it to remain behind doors much longer.















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