Well there you have it. That is the fed being pushed to the limits of all credibility as a banking organization. They have now just uncorked the price inflation genii. If you have not been paying attention to me all these years then all I can say is I tried my best.
I am not saying we must go into an immediate collapse. But the fuse is now lit. The government cannot stop printing and distributing its fake money because if it does the whole global debt ponzi will collapse into civil war, dis-unifcation of the country, supply chain interruptions and yes, even global war become much higher odds outcomes.
Buy silver. Do it now. Start off with a good pile of coins and then add to them over time. No doubt many of you have been reading my stuff for a long time in quiet disbelief but now I think people are getting nervous. They are smelling fear at the fed and you know in the back of your mind that my words about the fake currency are correct: it only has trading value as long as confidence exists in the the issuing authority. The herd WILL NOT have confidence if they smell fear. I mean, look. This is what alpha males have been saying about Powell for some time now. But those words were kind relative to what people are saying about him now.
Would YOU have confidence in this milquetoast? This is what a broken spirit looks like. Powell will be out as chairman soon enough but what will some new guy do any different? Government has no money of its own. It has to either tax, borrow or print. It cannot tax! Not in a depression. It cannot borrow when rates begin to skyrocket. It can only print. It can only debase the purchasing power of bagholders who think this fake green paper has any real intrinsic value.
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