The reason, I said, was simple: we all foolishly accepted fake money as if it were real and the corruption that fake money brings comes in too many forms to count. But a major form is wealth inequality because, and I think I have been exclusive in saying this, since money is supposed to be a fungible store of human labor, debt is a naked short on human labor. And when someone shorts your stock it goes down.
By the way, in case someone tries to steal this from me later, here is my proof that I was the first to ever make this observation on the web. I coined the phrase in 2014:
People who don't blog have no idea just how difficult something like that is to achieve, especially since it takes very little math and logic to completely understand the truth of it. When people create debt, they create spending power from thin air. Spending power is supposed to only happen by the act of production of something, and that takes labor. So if someone has unearned spending power, where do you think it came from? Thin air, really? No. It came from the labor force who did real work but got paid with fake, devaluing currency. And that is why fake money is a scam whose only purpose is to transfer wealth from Mark and Patsy to the elite who dreamed this scam up.
And so Gerald Celente hit the nail on the head in this vid: the REAL reason the world is a tinderbox of hate right now is wealth inequality. People hate each other but they really don't understand why. They feel it. It is real. But only 1 in 100,000 could really tell you why. Many would point to various symptoms but the real underlying cause of all the hate and unrest is the wealth inequality that is caused by the naked shorting of human labor which is enabled by the global acceptance of fake money as if it were real.
This is not going to end until the elite are taken down, and the longer it takes, the more likely it will not be a soft take down. Civil wars, world wars are likely if the elite do not stand this fake money system down sooner rather than later. They risk their lives by letting this go on.
Got gold??
1 comment:
Maybe the elites in the ancient world were wiser than in the modern world, for the institution of debt jubilee was ubiquitous. I highly doubt that we'll ever see a modern dynasty spanning several centuries.
And, yes, debt as a naked short on labor is simply brilliant! 👏🏻
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