The modern version of Star Chamber (hidden courts visible to nobody and answering only to themselves) is the so called FISA court. If you silence the noise and just get to the heart of the matter, this is a court for the elite who want the trappings of legitimacy in legal process without all of the due diligence and bother normally associated with making just decisions and judgements on how we can treat our fellow citizens. In case you didn't get it by now, the elite LOVE rules. They love the trappings of polite society which follows rules. But they always make the rules in their favor and if the rules are not in their favor they create exceptions, loopholes and FISA courts.
The whole notion is a joke - that real justice can ever be done in private or behind closed doors. That is how criminals operate, not honest people and systems. It might start off with good intentions but absolute power corrupts absolutely. But now the FISA system is breaking down based on the unfounded wire tapping warrants they allowed against trump based on lies from the FBI.
Normally they would not care, but this has waaaaaaay too much visibility to ignore and so now the corrupt FISA judges are playing hardball, telling the world that they were duped by lies by the FBI. It was their own personal version of Iraq having WMD if you will. They acted on a lie and so they should be held guiltless for the offense.
But why should they care? After all, the elite can get away with anything, right? Well, not so much. The elite not involved with this are likely looking at the FBI and at FISA saying, "you are damaging credibility of all sheeple leadership with this show; you need to follow the rules!". Let me see, what movie did I just see this played out it? Oh that's right: John Wick broke the rules of The Continental and killed a guy on the premises. And for that he was excommunicado from the elite crime cartels. After all, the elite like their rules.
And so this is why FISA judges are now outing themselves and taking to the media to defend themselves: they don't want to become excommunicado for breaking rules which were certainly broken. Instead, they are trying to save their incompetence from being judged by publicly calling out the FBI as liars.
In an extremely rare move on Tuesday, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court shredded the FBI for their "mistakes" that they made while applying for a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign aid Carter Page.
"The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above. The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable," federal Judge Rosemary Collie hammered.
For the record, the reference above is wrong. The head judge of FISA is Rosemary M. Collyer. Nobody really ever heard of her before and I'm sure she wishes it could have stayed that way. But once FISA was implicated in a morally corrupt act of agreeing to the spying on of American citizens by issuing a warrant, she had to come out swinging. She is clear in how hard she hit the FBI; effectively saying they lied so badly and so often in this case that they have to wonder how many other lies they were fed in the past.
She is smart trying to get out in front of this because if she loses trust of the herd her elite job is gone and her career is over.
In response, Comey did a fake mea culpa:
Comey said, “He’s right. I was wrong. I was overconfident as director in our procedures of the FBI and Justice have built over 20 years years. I thought they were robust enough. It’s incredibly hard to get a FISA. I was overconfident in those because he’s right, there was real sloppiness — 17 things that should have been in the application or at least discussed and characterized differently. It was not acceptable, so he’s right. I was wrong.”
At this point he is deferring to the system because he thinks he cannot go to jail. He's even lying for the FISA court which just lambasted him publicly and which just threw the entire FB fucking I under the bus, questioning the credibility of ALL the crap that they pull. By lying for FISA court I mean his bullshit statement about it being so difficult to get "a FISA" wiretap warrant. The graph below which came from Wiki data suggests that it had become exponentially easy to "get a FISA" right up until about 2006. Since then there has been a big pullback in the number of FISA warrants requested but the denials are still in the noise (see the green chart). So, no, it is not incredibly difficult to get a FISA warrant; the data shows they have been nearly rubber stamped for years. That's all about to end IMO. Holding secret court is liberal in nature and you can see peak liberalism right there on that chart. If we have any chance of surviving, this chart will now collapse to zero in true mania fashion and FISA Rosemary will be removed from her position and the FISA process dismantled. If we can't do it in open court then its almost certain to devolve into fraud over the course of time. Man cannot rule man. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Comey needs to go to jail or there is no justice.
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