Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Expect police, firemen, government teat suckers of all walks to make nice nice with the public

I wrote many times over the years that when the Global Debt Ponzi enters the collapse phase that there would be roses among the thorns.  Namely, the public "service" workers, who have thought they were getting the best deal on the planet that nobody else was getting (how Madoff-esque...), would come to realize that they are nothing special.  In other words, their sugar daddy, who used to lavish them with benefits and perks in order to buy their loyalty, would end up stiffing them for a big piece of what was supposedly owed.

And folks, it's bad.  We are now entering the end game in some of the worst Illin' noise cities as you can see from this post by Mish.  It's one thing to have underfunded pensions.  It's another thing for it to be so bad that services have to be cut in order to pay out on those past obligations.  It will not take long for the current set of workers who still have to pay today's taxes supposedly in exchange for today's services to figure out that they are being made to pay for the past sins of someone else.  As their services decline and the crime rate skyrockets those very liberal who were so easily hypnotized into saying "hero police" and "hero firemen" will be the very loudest yelling "fucking losers" and "thieves".

I can tell you who will win and who will lose this.  The working people will win and the retired popo and fofo will lose.  You know why?  Because retirees don't work, and all future value comes from labor.  So if the cities want to continue to receive any tax revenue at all they better damned well side with them that earning it and not those who just played hardball negotiations and cozy politics in order to receive benefits that nobody else on the planet gets.

Now this is the really funny part.  I know that despite all of their fake disingenuous displays of caring, liberals are fair weather friends.  When times get tough they back stab and back bite.  They eat their own without hesitation if needs be.  And given that all the fake global debt based growth is peaking (or peaked in many cases), the need is there.  So watch for something very important to happen: public unions and politicians are set to engage in public dogfights the likes of which nobody has ever seen.  The politicians will stop talking about "heroes" and they will begin saying downright ugly things about police, fire and anyone else who is owed an unpayable pension.

Before this is over, public pensions will be dismantled and public employees will have to save for retirement out of their pay, just like everyone else.  They will have to put their money into the dangerous markets just to stay ahead of inflation.  Their retirements will no longer be easy street and many of them will quit for better long term opportunities in the private sector.  Budgets will be tight and so salaries and raises will be for shit in the not too distant future for government workers because, let's face it, if you got rid of half of the corrupt laws then you would need half the people administering and enforcing them.

I can't wait to see the dumb ass liberals of illin' noise packing their politicians meetings, angrily as Hell demanding less taxes and better services from deadbeat police and fire.

Once popo and fofo figure out that government sugar daddy is actually subservient to the people, they will fall in line to kiss our asses as well.  And the reason is simple: they will finally come to grips with just who pays their fucking salaries.  And the answer is not government bureaucrats; it's the people.

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