Thursday, September 19, 2019

Change begins with noncompliance.

As I have stated many times, the liberal left has to be careful what it tries to pass off as law.  If it puts statutes in place that the people do not agree with then it becomes clear that government is is not by the people for the people but rather in spite of the will of the people.  And nothing says this more clearly than noncompliance with highly publicized new laws.

It's one thing for government to quietly put laws in place and then for people to get caught violating them by mistake.  But these anti gun laws, such as the high capacity magazine ban in liberal shit hole New Jersey were very, very public and all over the national and even world news.  It was a test to see what big government could con the people into.  IF it worked then this could be a model for broad application of the same bullshit.

But the opposite also holds true! IF they could not trick anyone in one of the most liberal shit holes in the USA to turn in their suddenly-illegal magazines then how in the holy fuck will they be able to do it in states like Texas where gun owners are loud and proud?  And so it is important to check up on the real status of what happened in NJ because you can't swing and miss and then cover it up; the counter punch will be coming.

Well, without doing much checking we cal already infer that the whole effort flopped because if it had been a success in fooling people into agreeing then NJ would be all over the news doing a victory lap and inviting the world to join the war against legal gun holders.  But you don't hear a damned thing from the assholes who started this war on gun owners and so you can be pretty sure it failed.

But because someone took the time to ask how many magazines were actually turned in, we don't need to guess.  Ammoland posted back in April of this year that a FOIA demand for this information was answered under the law, and the answer is zero.  ZERO.  In every situation there is gradient behavior.  In this situation the weakest hands are storing their magazines away from their homes while litigation is under way.  Weakest hands can oftentimes mean "have the most to lose".  It's not necessarily a cut against their morals.  But I am rather shocked that the weakest of the weak did not turn in at least some number of magazines.  I am very tempted to buy a magazine and then write "fuck you, traitor" in big letters in white sharpie and then take video of handing it into the NJ state police.  I think it would go viral if the only magazine turned in was done so to blatantly spit in their faces.

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