Thursday, November 15, 2018

Police kill man who hasn't done anything wrong and then justify it...

In Maryland, anyone can now call the cops and make up Kavanaugh-accuser style lies from thin air and they will come confiscate your guns, or kill you in the attempt.  These new so called red flag laws are supposedly put in place so that people who observe gun owners who are not right in the head can have that person's gun removed (and stick the person with a lot of legal issues, court costs, etc. trying to clear his name and get his guns back...).  They essentially criminalize people without any evidence of wrong doing.  Like the film, "Minority Report", the cops are sent in on "precrime" missions.

If you read the link, the cops showed up at 5am to take the man's property at gunpoint.  That's right, show up when people are most likely to be in REM sleep and not thinking straight, and then tell that person that some unnamed person suspects him of being crazy and thus the police must enter his life.  What can possibly go wrong with that? 

Well, the cops story is the only story available because they killed the citizen whose guns they came to steal.  But don't worry, it's all fair, says the police chief.  In fact, according to Police Chief Timothy Altomare, the murder of the citizen was a sign that the law is needed, "If you look at this morning’s outcome, it’s tough for us to say ‘Well, what did we prevent?’ ” he said. “Because we don’t know what we prevented or could’ve prevented. What would’ve happened if we didn’t go there at 5 a.m.?

Well, that's liberal nanny state logic for you.  Essentially, the fact that the cops murdered the man in his own home at 5am is somehow proof positive that the man was ready to go on a shooting spree.  Of course, the more likely outcome had the police not gone to the house at 5am would be that a somewhat crotchety old man would still be living, still complaining about the government, etc.  But he would be having his coffee and breakfast the next day and his family would not be planning his funeral.

By that police logic, they should kill everyone they see “Because we don’t know what we prevented or could’ve prevented. What would’ve happened if we didn’t go there...?”.  I'm amazed that the city even let that moron speak. The cops now think they can keep us safe by killing people who have done nothing wrong.

In this situation, the one thing you do NOT want to do is walk up to the door with a gun and then open it up and try to talk to the police.  That cannot go well for you.  The police cannot be "reasonable" about anything.  And they are not authorized to negotiate.  They are POLICyEnforcers.  They are not good Samaritans.  They are not your friends.  If they were told to go take your guns, they will use every kind of force available to them to accomplish the task.  They will not consider your wife, your children or anything else.  If you don't immediately lie prostrate in front of them, you will die and they will make up yet another bullshit justification for it.  

The politically correct thing to say about this is that I hope those who are behind these laws come to their senses and stop this nonsense before it explodes in their faces.  But I don't think that will ever happen. I suspect that the only other way to stop it happening is for those being attacked like this to make the cost of doing it too high.  Read whatever you want into that.  But whatever you do, don't look for mercy from the cops.  The cops shot that man at 5am in his own house and then commented about what a good thing that was since there was no telling what might happen had they not murdered him.  That is the mentality you are dealing with.  Never forget it, especially if you live in one of the liberal nanny states below where these so called red flag laws are allowed.  Smart people will just GTFO of those places because its only going to get crazier and crazier there as the Global Debt Ponzi peaks and then goes into collapse mode.

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