Sunday, November 1, 2020

"Impossible to tell the difference"

When is the flu not the flu?  When government needs political cover to prop up its failing debt Ponzi, that's when.  Yahoo news has an article out right now saying that its basically impossible to tell the difference between the flu and Covid-19 without taking a test that looks for DNA markers.  Why do you need a test?  Because as I have been saying all along, covid is just a bad flu season that governments latched onto not wanting to let a serious crisis go to waste.  Do you really think the timing of the release of CBDCs is coincidental?  We really never heard anything much about Central Bank Digital Currencies until the past few months, when it was clear the global financial system was in grave jeopardy of collapse, and now we have the Bahamas and their Sand Dollar CBDC.  This is just a trial balloon for the USA.  I bet they promised some hurricane aid to the Bahamas if they would do this for the US.

Covid-19 would never have been used as an excuse to shut the global economy down unless things were very bad.  The damage that has been caused is now critical.  The economy can limp on for a while but something will happen and the herd will lose confidence in the issuing authority of the fake paper money and then there will be a stampede into commodities just like I have been telling people all along.  There will be volatility for sure but commodities will be going up soon.

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