Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Larry Summers says soak the rich for 7 trillion.

 You can't make this stuff up. Rich guy Larry Summers advised Biden to Collect the 7 trillion owed by "the richest taxpayers".

Yes, another elitist platitude spoken by the elite.  In other words, it doesn't mean what you think it means.  You can't take this crap at face value.   If we really do go after the richest taxpayers, they currently have not paid their tax using some loophole, etc.  Sure, you can go after them in court and declare the loophole null and void.  But that will give them plenty of advance warning and they will not stick around for the verdict.  They will take their wealth to a small non-extradition country where the leaders can be paid off to receive them.  Easily.  And everyone knows that.

So this is not what Summers is saying AT ALL.

And in fact, since this spew comes from the pie hole of a money elitist, it means exactly the opposite.  He says, don't worry, the tax cheats we will go after are all rich.  So go ahead, little people, applaud this asshole in his efforts because of course the money he takes from the rich will be used for the poor.  

How many times does that have to be proven to be bullshit before stupid people finally realize its bullshit?  What Summers is REALLY saying is that we need to, in general, crack down on tax collection.  Who do you think actually cheats on their taxes more, the poor or the rich?  Well I can tell you, the poor cheat their assess off.  They live in an underground economy, paid "under the table", unbanked ON PURPOSE because they don't want any reportable income.  So all of this effort to create digital currency to "help" the unbanked and to collect taxes on the rich is REALLY being put in place to screw the slave class even harder, all the while these stupid fucks applaud their own increased enslavement.

Watch and see who is right:

- only a show will be made of taxing the rich.  The rich will not end up getting taxed in any meaningful way.

- the poor will lose their under the table pay.  It will become mandatory to pay them in digital currency, thus completely exposing every dime they make to the tax man.  In addition, once in the digital system, they will be REQUIRED to pay into a government controlled retirement program which will eventually be stolen from their stupid asses, just like happens in every other tinpot despot dictator shithole in the world.  And in all those other cases it was the poor, uneducated, sub 100 IQ that not only applauded the government doing these things, they damned near demanded it.

Stupid is as stupid does.  If you believe ANYTHING the government says, you are stupid.  And I don't care who the president is, this is bigger than the figurehead.  It's the very system - a debt Ponzi is dishonest to the core no matter who is in the oval office.

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