Monday, November 9, 2020

The US is just about as divided as possible

With the media calling the election for Biden, the left are literally doing the happy dance in the streets.  For what I don't really know, given that the dems have not increased the lifestyle of the working class in the last 40 years, but I guess people want a reason to celebrate.  In fact celebration is often used as a substitute for thinking.  Emotion is easier than analysis.

For my part, I don't think it matters who is the figurehead of the SS Titanic.  Trump is not very conservative.  He did manage to get a lot of conservative, follow the letter of the law judges in place which I think is good.  But in terms of making government smaller, cutting the budget, cutting the deficit and thinking about cutting the debt he was a big zero.  If Biden eventually navigates through all the so called "baseless" accusations of fraud, including various statistical analyses like these then the left party will be short lived.   At the end of the day they will learn the hard way that unless and until we shut down the wealth transfer machine of fake money that the rich will get richer and it will be on the backs of the working class.  With a Trump presidency I assume that many Trump supporters were the beneficiaries.  So with Biden it will just be different beneficiaries.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Biden presidency would be whether or not he tries to go after our guns by banning this or that kind of gun, ammo, magazine, etc.  WalMart seemed to know in advance that Biden would win because they stopped selling guns and ammo just prior to the election.  My bet on this is that he will make some lame attempt to look like he is keeping campaign promises but that everyone knows deep down that any real broad attempt to disarm American citizens has a real chance of triggering civil war.  So more than likely, Biden and Harris, if they are confirmed, will just be more of the same ole, same ole selling access to the might of America, screwing the idiot sheeple with their fake money games and making un-keepable promises that they never intended to keep.


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