Monday, November 2, 2020

World's brightest minds are now catching up to my long standing predictions.

 I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.  I know that.  All I claim to be is:

- reasonably intelligent

- an engineer

- well versed in economics and the related history

- of Jewish ancestry which have always been good with numbers, math and logic, and generally very frank and straight forward when speaking out about what they think is right.

- an expert in Elliott wave analysis

While I do fully admit there are many, *many* people smarter than I am, being hyper smart is not a boon in all things.  And my combination of G_d given gifts is not the answer to all things or even most things.

But what I do claim is that I have is the right overall combination that has allowed me to be almost prophetic in many of my predictions about what is coming.  I did not just start writing these things in uncertain times.  I have been writing for more than 10 years, never changing my world view.  All my predictions are based on this socioeconomic world view.  Many of my predictions have been called "over the the top", "bombastic", "impossible" and the like but that has not stopped them from coming true.

One of the most "outlandish" of these has been that the collapse of the Global Debt Ponzi could well result in the de-unification of the USA just like happened to the USSR in the early 1990s.  You long time readers know I have been saying this for many years now.  Waaaaay before crazy liberals were roaming the streets burning buildings and cars and shooting each other in the street, I was saying it was going to get much, much worse than anyone could imagine.  And this wasn't just something I had a gut feel for; engineers don't think like that!  Engineers require reasons.  Credible reasons even if most others could not see them.

And I explained my reasons very plainly.  The Global Debt Ponzi emanates from the federal reserve.  It is a perpetual source of free cash flow.  Any time a crisis which is brought on by liberal asshole policies and politics arises, the fed just prints up more Ponzi Paper to paper things over. But no Ponzi lasts forever and no, it won't be different this time.  The foolish population has very little idea about why they are mad except they know that they are somehow getting fucked.  They don't understand the mechanics of the fake money magick trick but they realize that they are the patsy in the deal.  Nobody can lose that many times in a row without SOMETHING being stacked against them somehow.  In their ignorance they lash out with any and every off base concept they can think of.  Yeah, Trump's dividing whites and blacks.  OK, sure.  Except that there is zero evidence whatsoever for this.  So the children just go on and on blaming white privilege, rich people in general, corporations, the phase of the moon and contaminants in the water, literally every crazy thing they can think of.

Even more to the point is that if you tell people what is going on, they cannot accept it.  If you tell them the dollar is literally worthless and thus all assets priced in dollars can easily go no bid, they think you are a kook.  When I tell them a collapse of the stock market by 90% is coming within 2-3 years, they don't see how its possible.  When I tell them to own physical silver an gold on a cost averaged basis they still spew back at me that those things pay no interest and have no return.

In other words, there are a lot of people out there who literally do not know shit from Shinola when it comes to socionomics yet they are all convinced that their pithy read of the headlines is going to keep them in front of the game.

But I digress.  The main reason for this post is to point out that one of the smarter guys that I follow, Jeffrey Gundlach, is now saying the same thing I have been saying, that the US could split up.  So here is what you need to know about that:

First and foremost, governments do not see you as a person but as an income generation resource.  They are management and you are labor.  In their view, you work for them.  And it's hard to argue this because they print up the fake money from thin air and you/we foolishly accept that fake money in exchange for our time, our labor, our creativity.  We work most of our lives for them.  It is definitely a form of slavery once you view it at the proper level.

And if that is true then you know that slave owners don't want their slave labor force to move elsewhere or to otherwise be separated from the capability of benefiting from the the labor of said slaves.  If factions of the USA decide in earnest to secede from these united states, the federal government is going to be upset about it.  How dare the slaves leave and form their own new countries, never to owe taxes to the old boss again?  The gall!  And there will be those who think that violent force should be employed to stop it.

Said more simply, a breakup of the USA could be something like Brexit, full of heated talk but no shooting, or it could be a second civil war.  Nobody knows how this will go for certain but if you think the odds are low that it will happen, think again.  When Cally and the liberals collapse into a stinking cesspool of used condoms, raw sewage, shanty towns and daily killings, they are going to cry to the fed to bail them out so they can just go do more of what fucked them.  I don't want to be a part of that.  If cally needs to collapse, it needs to collapse so that the assholes who collapsed it are chased out, or perhaps more likely, killed by the mobs they created, so that someone who doesn't have their head up their ass can come in and make a new, sustainable, conservative deal with the people there and get back on the right track.  

Problem is, oftentimes the despots don't want to leave and they are surrounded with enough sycophants that you can't force them.  So like an arm that is too badly infected, you have to amputate.  And if you tell many patients that you plan to do that, they come out swinging.  

What you have to know in the case of it getting that bad is that your main goal is to survive.  So you need a workable plan for having food and water that does not rely on the existing supply chains.  You need to have a currency that anyone will take and in the future you may find that not all regions of what is currently known as the USA will take dollars in exchange for their stuff.  But they will ALL take gold, and they will ALL take silver.  Of that you can be well assured.  You must also understand that there will be lawlessness and there will be desperation.  There will be starvation and you can't save everyone.  Many will have to die in order to match the population up with a new, lower, not debt fueled carrying capacity.  You may in fact have to kill people who are trying to kill you for what you have, or what they think, in their desperate lizard brains, that you might have.  It doesn't have to get to "mad max" for this to become the case.

You must also realize that a common way of doing this population reduction is via ethnic cleansing.  That's just a nice way of saying you move our or murder anyone who is not like you.  Then you remove anything that reminds you of what you did to them.  This happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, etc.  So if you are the minority in your area, do not be surprised if men with guns walk up to your house, take hold of you and your family (killing anyone who resists) and put you on a truck to a camp which may in turn lead to a shallow grave or it may lead to you being dumped off as a refugee in some other country.

So you have to know what's what.  You cannot assume that there will be any kind of justice.  If there is injustice it will be up to you to flee or fight.  If those days arrive, people who have not prepared in advance stand very little chance of peaceful survival.

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