Monday, November 16, 2020

Ever wonder why the liberal leadership pushes gender confusion as if that is normal?

I laugh in the face of anyone who is confused about their gender.  I don't care what kind of label they apply to my attitude: homophobic, white privilege, out of touch with the "new normal", etc.  The new normal isn't new.  Its just the same old cycles being rehashed.  Here, read the first few paragraphs of this wiki about homosexuality in Roman times.  It was all about control.  If you were catching, then you were a slave, an underling, the weaker being taken by the strong.  If you were pitching then you were a stud, a powerful person, in control.  And importantly, with dominion over your fellow man.

There's no difference in the liberal elitist homo today.  They like boys but they all want to pitch, not catch and they all want to be in control.  And that is why they try to brainwash our children into accepting gender neutral roles - so that there will be more, easy victims for them to homo-sexually fornicate with.  THIS is why the left let men into women's sports and this is why they let girls into the Boy Scouts, something that I clearly predicted was going to end badly for them.  I wrote, "15 years from today I predict that Boy Scouts of America will be a broken shell of its former greatness.  When you see that, thank the liberals for making it happen".

I should also note that there have always been gay scoutmasters but that when the scouts were a healthy organization, those deviants would have to hide their thoughts.  When scouting openly accepted gay male scoutmasters I knew that was the beginning of the end.

In all these things I have also on many occasions warned the liberals that even though they got away with stuff at the time, that didn't mean they would get away with it forever.  And true to form, we are now seeing the gay scouts of America hit with some of the most wide ranging and aggressive legal action ever seen by a public organization.

This is what happens when good people let rabid liberals take anything over and then just "hope" that the rabid liberals will behave like humans instead of like demon-possessed fuckheads.  I literally mean it happens every single time if it goes on long enough.  Kind of like what termites do to a stick built house.

Don't buy into this "new normal" of gender confusion.  Don't sit quietly by when you see others doing it.  It is everyone's duty to say something when you see something so damaging, so repugnant happening to a whole generation of kids.  It's child abuse today, and it will breed child abuse tomorrow.  Mock it, laugh at it, comment negatively on it, speak angrily out about it.  Do anything but sit there and watch that cancer grow into our young people.  Those who say nothing are complicit IMO.  They have shirked their social responsibility.

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