Monday, November 16, 2020

Oh bloody Hell.

When most people say things on TV I take it with a grain of salt.  But there are a few people who IMVHO have proven that they are actually smart enough to shut their pie holes until they are very sure about the outcome.  Sidney Powell is one of those.  Powell is the lawyer who defended general Flynn and who uncovered all the corruption around his case.  The whole Flynn case shows her character.  She was on the outside watching it all go down.  She watched them railroad Flynn and knew the pressure he was under to accept a plea deal, meaning he had to admit guilt.  She knew the injustice was massive and corrupt and she then got involved, told Flynn to back out of the deal and worked with Barr to put the courts back on their heels in the case.  Instead of Flynn being stuck with a guilty verdict, the justice department filed a motion to the courts to drop the prosecution.  That is nearly unheard of.

To me, track record mean something and Powell has built a track record.  Now she's on Trump's election fraud team.  Even knowing that contested elections have been overturned in the past, I personally had very little confidence that Trump's claims of election fraud would amount to anything.  I'm not saying they aren't true.  I don't know what the actual facts are but I do know that committing fraud is right in line with what liberals think is OK.  I dare say that many of them would actually be happier knowing they had won by fraud than by honest vote.  Why?  Because that would mean they were actually in control, not the luck of the process.  And there is nothing the Karen liberal loves more than to be in control of their fellow man.

But today I see Sidney Powell on Fox talking to Maria and she is saying some very direct things.  She is leaving herself no wiggle room for saying she was misquoted or misinterpreted.  There is no weaseling out of the accusations she is flinging.  It it were other than her I would probably say, yeah right, prove it.  But this woman IMO would not say these things without knowing she had the goods and that the corruption was premeditated and widely communicated by the left.  I guess that's why old joe was so sure that things would fall into his favor.

Powell just stated that Biden's presidential transition team was going to be nonexistent because the Trump legal team had the goods to overturn the results presented from multiple key states.  She also stated bluntly that Trump won not by hundreds of thousands but by millions.

All I can say is oh fucking shit.  IF this is real, and I believe it might be given that Sidney Powell is saying it on national TV, the liberals are literally going to explode.  They have been cocky saying they were not going to let Trump supporters live it down, no compassion was due, etc.  Of course all they have done since that bitch Hillary lost is complain about Trump and I do not recall Trump supporters saying all this kind of vitriolic, venomous shit when Hillary lost.  Yes, there was a lot of mocking of those who said trump couldn't possibly win.  But that, I think, was a self inflicted wound. Their own words, their own smug faces on camera indicted them on that one.  But past that I really didn't see any broad conservative hate effort against the out of control left.  We just watched and sighed as they burned down their own cities.  We just said, go crazy but keep it away from us.  The left will offer no such fairness to conservatives, that's for sure.  It wasn't, for example, conservatives who tried to weaponize the IRS against the left.  It was clearly the other way around.  All deep state fails are leftist in nature. 

But if this election is flipped to trump then I wonder if the left is going to get another free pass like they have been getting.  By this I mean that conservatives for the most part have sat back and hoped that the leftist fire would burn itself out.  I wonder and worry that if they end up losing the election, even if it is done by proving fraud in the courts, and even if the courts themselves give the green light for Trump to declare victory, that the left will lose their minds.  I worry that, lie a spoiled child, they might try building upon their success in getting away with past tantrums.  I wonder and I worry that they will think they can get away with anything.  I wonder and I worry what's going to happen this time if they try to go nuts after being outed for attempting to fraudulently steal the future of America.  

If the left loses the election and then proceeds to throw another tantrum, this might be the time that the conservatives begin the cleansing.  As in civil war, no survivors.  After all, why would anyone want to let that kind of mentality remain in their neighborhood going forward, always worried about them plotting, conniving and eventually getting stabbed in the back by a lying cheating liberal fuckhead?  I do not advocate for violence!  It would be a horrible thing. But I look back in history at these kinds of situations and what I see is that when it gets this bad, civil war is very hard to avoid.  And I also know from history that the victor write the history.  The best victories in the past were those that were complete leaving the opposition with nothing.  The Romans, as I have explained in these pages, and many other long standing empires had a clear formula: kill all the men except for those who were very weak, like women.  Enslave them because they could be controlled.  Rape the women so that they would become impregnated with the child of the enemy, thus dividing the loyalty of the women.  And take or kill the children into slavery.  Burn their village so that they could not go back there for shelter and regroup.  I didn't make up these truths, I'm just smart enough to know that history has a big voice in what happens going forward.

We ain't seen bad yet but the stomping of its feet is unmistakable.  A socioeconmoic T-Rex is coming and when it gets here it is going to get ugly.

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