Friday, November 13, 2020

Quote of the day

As soon as the media called the presidential election for Biden, Texas democrat politicians began blasting the legislative process with a barrage of gun control measures ranging from the removal of the permitless right to open carry a long gun right on down to limitations on magazine capacity.  The left will never stop in their efforts to trick us into thinking that they have the right to disarm us using words and paper writs and podium proclamations.  But history shows that only a fool believes it.  Only a fool is afraid of government.  Only a fool values his life over his freedom.  Once they have the guns then the gloves come off.  Once they have the guns then "please" and "thank you" are removed from government vocabulary and are replaced by "do it now", "on your knees" and "get into the train car".  This is not my opinion.  This is the clear lesson of history.  What should I be more concerned with, government edicts that I don't comply with or the eventual enslavement of American citizens?

Bad times are certainly heading our way.  The carrying capacity of the US economy is going to collapse once the people stop accepting fake money as if it were real.  And the US government will find itself up against the same hard choices as other governments who have social problems but who do not have the luxury of an unchallenged printing press to temporarily buy the peace.  The US likes to point fingers at other countries and how they handle unrest and pockets of civil disobedience.  We like to talk about human rights violations of China and others.  And yes, they are heavy handed at times simply because otherwise it is either too expensive to handle or the desired progress is not being made.   The desire of governments to make progress in their intended direction is a given.  How they can go about it is only limited by the threat of being shot in the face if they get too heavy handed.  When the people have no guns, that threat is one way because government will not give up its guns.

US history is FULL of human rights violations, all cheered on by the population which was benefiting from the actions.  One of the worst human rights violators was beloved president Andrew Jackson, a man who the native Indians today refer to as the father of genocide of the south and eastern tribes.  These labels such as "human rights violations" are often made by hypocritical liberals who have no problem doing the exact same thing that they piously lambast others for doing.  It's really very similar in concept if not in scope to the likes of Al Gore talking about global warming and telling us all to reduce our carbon footprints, preferably by breathing less, so that he and his elite buddies have more carbon budget to blow on their personal jet aircraft.  The liberal left leadership will never give up their guns.  They will never fire their heavily armed personal body guard army.  They will never disarm their police bullies.  Thus, they will never disarm people like me who know the real value and purpose of owning guns and being proficient in their us.


“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”

Patrick Henry


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