Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Everything the government says means the opposite of what they say.

Government is quietly passing  more  retirement legislation, this latest one called "secure act 2".  Well, yeah, it's a broadway act because nothing the government will do is for your security.  EVERYTHING they do is make it easier for them to legally harvest you like a fucking crop.  One of their key tenets this time is to push employees for automatic enrollment in the government controlled "they will fuck you out of it when you need it" retirement program.  Why anyone would trust one dime of their retirement wealth with the band of lying, cheating, pedo assholes in government is beyond me.  Some people are just gullible I guess.  They cannot see through what is staring them in the face.  Do you think government cares about you?  Carlin had it right.   The answer is no, they don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone but themselves.  So why all this push to make sure we have a retirement?

Clearly so they can steal it.  Clearly so they can use the money for other purposes and then leave IOUs in its place.  Clearly so that it removes money from the economy so that their money printing doesn't create hyperinflation so soon.  But it has nothing to do with your retirement.

So now they want to auto enroll new employees in the 401k.  Don't bother asking, of course they would want to participate.  And then hide the opt out button.  If too many people push back by opting out anyhow, make it mandatory.  Tell people they have no choice.  The day we hear the government say this is the day we know that any money in a retirement program has just been effectively nationalized. 

You know, just like they do in all the 3rd world shit holes on this planet.  

They don't care that markets are at dot bomb bubble highs!

    - Focus on automatic enrollment

They don't care that nonwhites might not make enough money to make ends meet as it is

    - Focus on automatic enrollment

They don't care that many don't trust the government

    - Focus on automatic enrollment.

They have to get as many suckers into the ponzi as possible before they drop the hammer, that which Rickards calls Ice9 (the freezing of the global economic system and the loss of all paper assets within it).

This is a cut and paste from the article:

focus on automatic enrollment

Perhaps the most significant provision in the bill – unofficially called Secure Act 2 – is a rule pushing new employees to automatically enroll in their company’s retirement plan if one is offered. Employees could opt out, but the default would be enrollment.

"It's an embarrassment that we don't have that yet," says Christian Weller, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, of automatic enrollment. Weller said he supports the existing bill but wishes more would be done “to push the envelope a lot harder when it comes to retirement savings" for communities of color.


If there is one thing I know its that the government controlled employee contribution retirement system is a honey trap.  It has all the signs.  It's a retirement roach motel - wealth goes in but never comes back out to you.  I guarantee you they will at some point steal the retirement system and put IOUs for treasuries in there instead and then lock you in so you cannot get out even by immediately paying the taxes and the 15% penalty.  And now they are going after the poorest workers so you know the scam is long in the tooth.  They want to trick as many suckers as possible into their paper retirement wealth scam.  WHY would anyone do this when you can buy physical gold and silver bullion coins and then for SURE have real wealth in your possession which nobody can steal from you with sophistry, a smile and the stroke of an executive order to make it all nice and unconstitutional but unchallenged by the legal system.

Buy physical gold and silver with your retirement money instead of letting them rip you off by storing all your long term wealth in fake paper assets.  GAWD, I wish I could scream this in people's faces.

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