Friday, October 30, 2020

Michael Moore thinks conservative votes are being "undercounted"

I love how the mind of the demon possessed, deranged liberal thinks.  Michael Moore, who is probably clinically insane, can at least still look at some of the facts.  One fact that he has observed in the past not to be very reliable is political polls.  They didn't work for Hillary and he is now wailing that they might not be working for Biden.  He stated, "The Trump vote is always being undercounted, the pollsters, when they actually call a real Trump voter, the Trump voter's very suspicious of the 'Deep State' calling them and asking them who they're voting for".

So basically, in Moore's pea brain, the citizen has a moral responsibility to answer the phone for pollsters and then to engage with them in a lively and truthful conversation about their private political decisions.   If I look at it from the liberal point of view I guess it makes perfect sense to think this way.  Thus, when the deplorables get the call they give false information because of fear of the deep state.

Or maybe they just tell the pollster that they don't want to be called by strangers on a Sunday afternoon, that they never signed up to share their personal thoughts and information with a complete stranger and thus that it would be appreciated if they would just put their number on the do not call list.

The self absorbed liberal, on the other hand, is chatty with strangers and is happy to share their intense views on pretty much anything no matter how badly their world view has been wrong in the past or how little actual knowledge they actually have of anything more than their day job at the DMV.

Yesterday I voted.  I was on my way to work and thus had my corporate laptop with me.  Last year someone in my company stopped by Home Depot for a few minutes on their way home from work.  They made the mistake of leaving the laptop in their truck.  Someone quickly busted the window out, made off with the laptop and was never caught.  So we were told never to leave our laptops in our vehicles.  

Because of this I took my laptop, which is in a nice leather backpack, into the polls.  On the way out, someone, who had clearly set themselves up to be a poll watcher, called out to me.  When I turned around they said, "it's unusual to see a man wearing a backpack like that, what's in it"?  I didn't have to see the guy's face to know that it was the typical male Nancy liberal type.  As much as I wanted to tell him that it was none of his F------ business, I just put on a big smile.  This is really a major difference between our two species, liberals and conservatives.  Liberals actually think you owe them an answer.  They think everyone owes them something and those who don't think they owe an answer are "antisocial" or some other label which essentially means "won't cooperate with my sacred agenda".

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