Saturday, October 3, 2020

You think things are getting worse but actually the required changes are happening behind the scenes.

The libtards wanted to be "inclusive" meaning they wanted to ruin American homogeneity.  They wanted to introduce chaos into our country so that they could more easily control everything from on high.  They went out of their way to try to make Spanish an official second language and then we just had Biden throw some Muslim Arabic into the first "debate" with Trump (what a shit show that was).  Biden said offhandedly "inshallah" which put the liberal web morons into a twitterfest.  The libs try to use good sounding words to trick you into not seeing the actual agenda but anyone with a brain knows that a HUGE power of the USA, only second to owning the world's reserve currency, is owning the world's language of business.  It's a huge advantage when everyone speaks your language and you don't have to invest a ton of time learning theirs.  So the libs tried to remove that advantage by mandating that government documents and even school text books be provided in Spanish.  That way, migrants could just re-build their little backwards communities here in the USA instead of integrating.

If you don't understand how powerful a thing this is, go back to the story of the tower of Babel.  Men of Babylonia were trying to build  a tower tall enough to reach G_d and G_d wanted to put a stop to the foolish behavior so he confused the language of the workers so that they could not longer understand each other.  The project was never completed as a result.

And so for decades we continued to see more and more things, public signs even written in Spanish. But I am here to tell you, that trend has peaked right along with peak liberalism.  You have to pay attention in order to see these things like I do.  But today I received a good example which you can see below.  Yup, that's right.  Citibank is dropping the practice of sending out notices in languages other than English.  They do not do this lightly.  They are trying to save money and the liberal agenda is inefficient and thus costs money to implement.  This is why when the fake money system dies so does the liberal agenda.   The liberal agenda REQUIRES endless fake money printing and since that is not something that is possible there will be an end to it.

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