Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Here comes the new plan...

The government is kind of fucked at this point.  By continuing to bail out bad debt via new currency printing, stocks keep going up.  While they want to keep their GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) from collapsing, they also need to begin doing something about the raging wealth divide.  Not because they want to, mind you, but because the riots are becoming more and more out of control now.  People are shooting each other in the head with hand guns and in the chest with AR15s.  None of this is about black lives and we know that because the looters happily loot and ruin black run businesses.

These riots are about thinly veiled anarchy, getting back at "the man" for keeping people down.  By "people" I really mean the bottom half of the population who were gifted with IQs of 100 or less.  You are talking about 150 million people in the US alone!

Government sees what is going on an needs a solution. It needs to stop money from going into the markets but without causing a general market crash.  Hmmm. How to do that.  Well, these markets are led by tech.  And not a lot of tech but rather a few tech titans.  And those titans are having unbridled political control.  So it will serve two purposes to attack those leaders.

And so that's why we are now seeing the department of injustice slap the tech leaders with monopoly (you are too successful) lawsuits.  All in the name of saving the little guy from the Global Debt Ponzi that government created.  It's so pathetic I can hardly stand to watch it but it's so predictable as well.  So will it work?  Actually, I think not, and for the same reason that trying to attack the wealthy doesn't work: they just move!  They do what it takes to avoid their attackers.  China sees what is happening and so it is now putting out PR saying China is open for fair business in China by US firms!!!  If the USeless Government isn't careful we could see tech companies threatening to move not from California Texas but instead to Shanghai or Shenzhen.

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