Sunday, October 18, 2020

The next entertainment setup is upon us.

Because the police have behaved so badly in the past 40 years, I really can't feel anything positive toward them.  In fact, I think big government and its domestic army, the militarized police, are an enemy of the people.  First they demand a monopoly on the use of protective force.  IF someone is about to kill you they say run away and call the cops.  And then if the cops show up they shoot you by mistake.  But if you even so much as brandish a weapon in order to scare a hate mob of looting vandals off your property, man you are looking at life changing legal problems and debilitating expense.  The entire system is set up to intimidate people from engaging in self defense.  If people come at you they want you to run and cower in a corner, give up everything you worked for and then be left begging for your life from the criminals.

So yeah, if the police get fucked going forward, well, I intend to laugh out loud and generally enjoy the experience.  Hell yes. Eye for eye baby.  In any case what I see coming next is a collapse of the police pension system.  The reason is that all the cops who can retire now see the writing on the wall.  With the defunding of police, their pensions are now at risk and so they are retiring in droves in order to collect something on them before they get defaulted upon. 

But the retirement systems were already very weak and this new unexpected wave of retirement is going to break the bank.  The stress will be too much to bear and the retirement funds will be crying for a bail out.  And we will be told how our heroes in blue deserve to get these fat, lifelong pensions while the rest of us have to actually save for it out of our paychecks.  They will play human interest stories and talk about cops losing their homes and all these hard luck stories because of the pension system collapse.  

 The goal will be to trick people into agreeing to bail them out with even more debt but the cops are going to face a STIFF headwind from the people.  It's going to become a big deal IMO and I am just going to laugh and laugh and laugh at all the cops getting stiffed for their pensions because, what the Hell, I predicted it would happen a decade ago as part and parcel of the Global Debt Ponzi.  Crash and burn, asshole cops.  You get no sympathy whatsoever from me and it's YOUR OWN DAMNED FAULT.  I warned you WELL in advance that what you were doing was going to come back on you.  You pushed the people around when you should have considered the consequences of your arrogance and heavy handedness.  Now go get real productive jobs in your "retirement" years which for the rest of us are just normal working years with retirement at 67.5.

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