Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Another significant prediction by me...

Today I want to discuss the coming end of consumerism in the USA.  We take all these things we have for granted even though we don't produce much of it.  Our con men have massively accelerated the living standard of American citizens by getting the rest of the world to agree to take our fake money in exchange for their goods.  As a result, everything in the US has been sooner, bigger, faster, better, wider and longer than other places in the world.

Things that used to be a real luxury are now taken for granted.  For example, the cell phone.  It used to be a sign of wealth and prestige to own one.  Now every ghetto rat in the hood has one, governments talk about giving them away free as a basic human right, etc.  But all of this has been funded by debt.  Without the ability to create new debt the standard of living in the US where more than 50% of the population relies on government hand outs, would plummet to 3rd world status.  It used to seem like hyperbole to hear these things with head in the sanders saying "it can never happen here".  But then images of San Francisco streets like that below started popping up all over so that everyone knows it is real.

I predict that one of the next very visible casualties of the collapse of America's Global Debt Ponzi will be that more and more people will stop owning cell phones.  Not because they want to, but because the cost of buying a phone and the service cost will be too high.  I predict that society will make up excuses why cell phones are no longer cool and will actually look down on and perhaps even bully those who use cell phones in public places where others, who cannot afford them, would have to watch.  It will not surprise me to see events form where you bring your cell phone and in front of a crowd, take a sledge hammer to it while explaining that all it did was ruin your life.  I can see people blaming the fact that they got fired over a facebook  post on the fact that the cell phone made it too easy to put thoughts into words which you could then not easily take back.

Nobody is predicting this kind of societal change except me.  If I am right then it will just be another sign of the healing and reversion to the mean that must take place over the next couple of decades.

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