Saturday, October 17, 2020

Former NSA insider says the NSA is seeking total control over the population.

If you still think the government is anything but a lying corrupt piece of shit, watch this little gem as William Binney, a former geopolitical technical director within the NSA, comes out and burns the NSA down with a clear explanation of how the NSA spies on US citizens and then uses it against us under the corrupt legal system.  The NSA is a domestic terrorism group and I hereby predict the impossible will happen: the NSA will be disbanded within 5 years.   

You know why? Because with the conservative wave blowing through people are becoming less and less gullible.  Liberals believe government blindly, but conservatives can see right through it.  I monitor the comments of many social media outlets and I can tell you, the days of liberal sheeple calling someone with information like this "a conspiracy theorist" are pretty much over.  It used to be the first thing that you would hear.  But now???  It's over.  And that means people do not feel comfortable saying those words.  And that means the herd is changing direction.

Fuck the NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS and M-O-U-S-E.  They are all corrupt.  They have had absolute power and that corrupted them.  Now we need to claw back their pensions and cut 90% of their staff.  We need to make the tax rules fit on 1 page.  Everyone must pay something so that nobody will vote for more taxes knowing that they make low enough wages that they will get a kickback instead of a tax bill.  We need to shut down our foreign entanglements.  We need to stop spying on everyone and the information that has been already collected needs to be bit bleached and then the collection facilities need to be shut down.  Those running these corrupt operations need to be tried under the color law, sent to jail, and never be heard from again in society.

YOU HEAR ME NSA?  CIA?  FBI, IRS?  We are not afraid of you and it is YOU who will soon enough learn that the people are the boss of you and not the other way around.  And when it happens, I am going to laugh at your has been sorry asses.

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