Friday, October 16, 2020

Foolish liberals accepted the "free" vacation from government and are now whining about it

The notion that we should stop the economy because of a bad flu season is so ridiculous that only a moron would fall for it.  Unfortunately, half the population has an IQ of less than 100 and so they fell for it, hook line and sinker.  When governments decided to lock people out of their workplaces, people should have just laughed and gone to work.  If everyone had done it the government would be left standing there looking like the corrupt shit show that it is.  But many lower class workers actually liked the time off and extended unemployment benefits and free money sent to them as "stimulus" payments.  So they happily bought into the narrative that you can have all your leisure time and government will send you a MMT check each week.

They didn't pay one second of attention to the consequences for this reckless behavior.  They let the con men trick them into thinking that a few hundred thousand deaths in the US is some big deal and they fell for this crap that every life matters.  History shows that no lives really matter because nobody ever lives forever.  We are here and then we are gone.  From the second of our birth the clock starts ticking down.  Does that sound like human life matters to anyone? The only control we have over our time here is our quality of life.  At-risk people for covid, those 65 and up with preexisting conditions, should have taken precautions.  But screwing over the economy will end up costing far more lives.

Zero hedge reports that fools in Hawaii are now saying that the island has committed suicide: "Hardly any is sick but we're all broke".  These fools could somehow not see this coming.  They thought government was doing what is best for the people but the government is just creating chaos so that it can bail out its Global Debt Ponzi.  What you are watching here is loss of confidence in government which means loss of confidence in the issuing authority of the fake paper currency.  

Maybe you listened to me before when I was warning about all the shit that was coming our way.  Maybe you just thought it was entertaining.  But few can argue how much of what is happening now was completely predicted by me, and the reason is because my model of the world, AKA worldview is correct.  In any model when the model correctly predicts things it creates track record.  And when positive track record occurs over time, the veracity of the model is proven.  And it is because of this that I can easily predict that we ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming.  Did you think I was kidding about supply chain interruptions?  That is coming.  Empty store shelves and sky high prices.  That is coming too.  And war.  That is also coming.  Could be civil war bad enough to break the USA apart into the conservative confederate republic and the liberal states of scamerica.  Could be world war.  Could be both.  But the system which drove the carrying capacity way up is now in collapse and so if you have even the faintest self preservation instinct you will do what it takes to secure your food supply and acquire the means to protect yourself from those who have not.  Counting on the police is dumb.  Not only are they a bunch of self serving pussies, they simply don't care about you.  At all.

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