Tuesday, March 9, 2021

ZOOM leader tries to frontrun market crash

By donating a big chunk of obviously ridiculously overpriced shares, the CEO of ZOOM gets to act the hero while banking max profit for himself.  What he's really doing is dumping 18 million shares at a Ponzi peak.  He knows that if he just tried to sell these shares on the open market that the fake price of the stock would collapse, thus proving that the fake market cap is a thinly veiled Ponzi.  But by donating 6 billion to a fake charity, none of the shares hit the market but he gets to book the donation at full Ponzi value.  So he is doing nothing more than maximizing his personal profit while leaving a fake charity with a depreciating asset.  That's OK because the charity probably doesn't have to pay taxes on the gift.  But this is how the elite do things.  They want everyone to think they are angels when in fact nothing they do is for any reason but their own enlightened self interest.

I'm not blaming them for this.  But neither should anyone fall for the notion that they are being somehow generous here.  The charity is a useful business tool for them, nothing more.

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