Monday, November 9, 2020

Is AOC hinting at something here??

I found this in my email today:


HeadlineAOC admits, "I don’t even know if I want to be in politics"

What's Up: Just a week after handily winning re-election, freshman Democratic House member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been rumored to be looking at running for a higher office. The Bronx-Queens NY rep seems to tossing some cold water on those rumors in a recent interview with the New York Times. In fact, AOC is not even certain she wants to remain in politics.

Quote: "'I’m serious when I tell people the odds of me running for higher office and the odds of me just going off trying to start a homestead somewhere — they’re probably the same,' said the pol, who just won re-election." — New York Post

The First take: OK, we did a spit-take when we read that AOC said she was thinking about walking away from her very well paying gig as a House member. Think about it... the woman who was slinging drinks in a NYC bar just three years ago is going drop out an "start a homestead"? Right. It was less than two years ago she learned that vegetables came out of the ground. Sorry, AOC, we ain't buying it.


Well I'm not buying it either.  Liberals do not walk away from power.  But why would she say such a thing?  And why a homestead?  Could it be because her eyes have been opened to the fact that the entire US and global financial system is nothing but a Ponzi scheme?  After all, what good is power is there is no food.  That's what I found interesting about her statement.  She could have said she would go be a ballet dancer or a taxi driver or a million other possible ways to live.  But no, she chose to dream about homesteading where you know where your food is coming from because you work it from the land.

Maybe it's just a coincidence. 

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