Friday, November 20, 2020

IF there was voting fraud, how did the left get away with it?

Sometimes I just need to be extra blunt because nobody else will.  And since I don't care about ad revenue, I have the luxury of saying the unvarnished truth.  This is especially one of those times.

As an engineer I look at the facts of a matter and try to make sense of it.  You see, unlike the ridiculous thinking of Evolutionists, I know from 35 years of experience that if you just dump a pile of resources on the ground and wait long enough it does not magically turn into finished goods.  In fact, just the opposite.  The universe is ruled by entropy.  Entropy is not a measure of disorder or chaos but rather a measure of energy's diffusion or dispersal to more microstates.  From this link "A law of physics says that it takes work to make the entropy of an object or system smaller; without work, entropy can never become smaller – you could say that everything slowly goes to disorder (higher entropy)."

Do you see that?  Right there in the definition that was probably written by some liberal PhD (liberals tend toward over education) is the truth of the matter.  Entropy is the property of our universe that causes everything to go to disorder without the addition of work. It takes work to make order of chaos. Period. Every engineer knows this.  Why it is not said in simple terms that I present it is unclear.  But if you have a pile of chemicals it will NEVER self organize into life just because you wait long enough.  A pile of car parts, likewise, will not self assemble into a car.  NO.  What will happen is that they will rust, corrode, fade, abrade and eventually all return to elemental powder.

This is how an engineer thinks and perceives the world.  So let's apply this to the suspected election fraud fraud in Georgia, which is typically a GOP controlled state.  How could such an outrageous conspiracy happen in such a public venue?  As an engineer, I want to know.  I can't just accept accusations as proof.  That would make me a liberal.  That's what they do, that's what they did to Trump on multiple occasions over the past 4 years.

Well, I don't know that I will ever see proof because I'm not going to personally investigate it.  That would take time, money, access and a whole bunch of other things that I just don't care to invest.  After all, Trump was not all that conservative in the matters that counted - the money.  In fact he was a flaming spendthrift with the nation's credit card.  So maybe we will never see real proof out of Trump's legal team but I'd still like to apply the engineering "sniff test".

The sniff test is a high level review of the facts to see if something could even possibly make sense were deeper investigation invested in.  If you take a sniff and smell skunk, do you need to do DNA analysis before you have a good idea that it's a skunk?  No.  You do need DNA analysis to ascertain the truth but sniff test is not for that.  Sniff test is to give you a pretty damned good idea without investing in all of the work.

So the first element of my sniff test is to look at the people doing the ballot counting and to consider what that might tell us.  In Georgia, 55.7 % of the population is white.  Thus, one might reasonably expect that half or more of the vote counters would be white.


However, in thinking that, one would be wrong.  Vote counting in GA was primarily done by non-whites.  If this picture is representative, 8/10 of the vote counters were non-white.  One of the whites has the trailer trash profile.  And yes, profiling does work in most cases else nobody would ever use it.  So what the state did was go out into poor liberal areas and recruit.  Why?  Because real people already had jobs.  This is a room full of likely sub 100 IQ women.  They are easily talked into doing things that would be illegal if they thought it would result in more benefit to themselves.


Not all of the vote scammers are sub 100 IQ.  Some of them are quite enterprising as criminals.  These are the self employed freelance workers. Here's one at the higher end of this profile type, a certain Rachel Rodriquez who is now under indictment for 134 cases of voter fraud in TX.  She on record stating that each vote costs between $5 and $8.  Listen to the vid.  The fucking bitch has a price list for her criminal behavior.  And she states it emphatically.  This is not someone doing it for the first time.  This is bold, entrenched, well practiced behavior.

The sad part about this is where it is all heading. How do you fix it?  Well there are many ways but I suspect that the way which will be chosen will result in less privacy and less freedom.  In the name of ID-ing the voters better I suspect they will come up with an Orwellian solution.

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