Generally when two sides fight in the US, there is a brief scrap and then one side quickly falls into obscurity. This time it is different. Sensing that the end of their era is upon them, they are now willing to say and do anything to push their agenda. Emboldened by years and years of the moral conservative majority saying nothing and doing little, the liberal activists are punching above their weight.
It has now crossed the red lines of many conservative people who are tired of watching while a bunch of useless assholes riot, burn, and trash anything they want to, basically without much resistance from police. They are ruining businesses and their goal is pretty clearly not that black lives matter, but that a nation brought to its knees will be an easier takeover by socialist and communist forces than one which is undamaged economically and emotionally.
As a result, militia and regular conservatives are now flocking to defend against the criminal mischief being done to the USA by the rabid left. Of course, if they can stop damage being done then that is far more effective than trying to rebuild later. Tearing down is easy, rebuilding is not. And so now we see concerned conservative private citizens interacting with the liberal mobs in order to stop them from doing damage, putting out their fires before everything is burned down, etc.
Enter a young conservative named Kyle Rittenhouse. He knew that liberal rioters were massing in Kenosha WI and decided to drive into town to provide EMT services as well as to physical contradict liberals involved in destructive criminal behavior. Many people in attendance were clearly armed.
During this effort, Rittenhouse put out a fire caused by one of the rabid liberals who then tried to chase him down. Even though Rittenhouse was armed with an AR15, the moron liberal chasing him must have been watching too many super hero shows and thought he had "powers" or something because he cornered Rittenhouse up against a liberal mob and then lunged for his gun. Rittenhouse took out the trash with 4 shots, basically ending his attacker on the spot.
But he did this right in front of a mob which was now spreading word that he had shot his attacker. So Rittenhouse, who was trying to call police, had to jog away from the downed man. He decided to run to the police to turn himself in but word of his shooting spread faster than he could run and he was eventually overtaken, hit in the back of the head and eventually stumbled and fell. As he was on the ground, someone came running in an foot stomped him in the face. That pounding gave other attackers the notion that it would be safe to try to grab his gun. One skateboard slinging fool whacked Rittenhouse upside the head with his board and then tried to grab the gun. Rittenhouse response by putting one shot in his chest.
Unfortunately, you don't walk away from that. As I have pointed out in past posts, AR15s are truly scary in terms of the damage they do when they hit flesh. Needless to say, it is a grave tactical mistake to come to an AR fight with a skateboard even if your intended victim is sitting down on the ground and has just received a massive flying foot kick to the face.
With death burning though his chest, the skateboarder stumbled off and died on the scene.
A second attacker, seeing that Rittenhouse was not afraid to defend himself, put both hands up in a fake liberal trick like he was giving up and no longer a threat. That 2nd man was in possession of a hand gun, clearly circled in the picture below. As you can see, Rittenhouse has the total drop on him and could end him at anytime.
Split seconds later that fake surrender turned into an armed attack. But Rittenhouse was not rattled the way the attacker must have imagined. He simply pivoted on the moving target and fired one defensive round. Again Rittenhouse hit his attacker and pretty much blew the man's right biceps off.
Now that it was clear Rittenhouse was not the defenseless dough boy that one might assume by looking at him, he was able to stand up and trot over the police, who were just hanging back of course instead of doing anything useful.
In summary, Rittenhouse was chased twice and attacked physically 3 times. One time by an arsonist whose fire he had extinguished, one time by someone who hit him in the head area with a skateboard when he was planted on his ass in the street and finally by a man who was armed with a handgun who lunged at him after feigning peace (very liberal, never trust them - they think they are clever and tricky).
Rittenhouse turned himself into the police the next day and the local DA threw the book at him. And so now we will have to see what the courts say about it. A very well done video timeline can be watched here. It was apparently done by his legal team.
This is a major pivot point in the future of America. If Rittenhouse, who was clearly in self defense mode the entire time, is convicted then the liberals will go on the war path about guns, using the legal decision as a blunt weapon. That legal decision would essentially say you have no right to armed self defense in public.
If that happens there are really only two likely basic outcomes:
1) Every real conservative will just turn in their guns and flee the country and then let the liberals turn the whole place into an un G_dly Hell on Earth.
2) Conservatives will take up arms in order to preserve their G_d given right to self defense. Nobody will comply. People will just begin to carry guns around all the time without regard for the corrupt laws and if anyone tries to stop them then it will be Rittenhouse 2.0. This could easily lead to a constitutional crisis and a 2nd American civil war.
I say again, the people demanding that conservatives give up their basic constitutionally protected rights are loud pack hunters who are feeding off their own noise. But those who they are demanding, using force, to think their way have guns. Big scary powerful life ending guns. And we know how to use them, even the pudgy dough boys among us like Rittenhouse. From what I saw, he handled his weapon quite well. Importantly, 4 assholes physically attacked him using various forms of force and two of them have been relieved of their existence while one of them is going to have to learn to be left handed.
What do you think it is going to be like if someone thinks they are going to come door to door to take guns from the rest of us conservatives? In my case I have been very clear, whoever tries it will not survive. In addition I am not planning on turning myself in so a bunch of liberal fucks and deliberate about my future. Once they cross that red line into my house for my guns, it's war, pure and simple. If they leave us alone there will be no trouble but the way things are looking it seems some people simply need to be killed in order to settle this thing. I hate to see it. It's bloody awful. But that is no reason to give up my rights. When this nation was founded, many fought and died to help secure American freedom from big government which includes the liberal establishment, always wanting to tell everyone what to do. If it comes my turn, well, then it will be my turn. I'm begging liberals to stand down from their attacks. Not for my sake but because I fear for their lives.