The complete internalization/acceptance of mortality changes people. In the case of Pitt, he is now worried about what might or might not happen to him after his body stops breathing. Maybe it will just be nothing. There was a time before him (and all of us) and there will be a time after. But in the chance that there is something more to all this than just living and dying, many people, including Pitt, begin to hedge their bets. Alice Cooper, whose act has always been dark to say the least, became a Christian in his mid 50s (he's 71 now).
When people, especially men it seems, hit mid 50s they (we) begin preparing for death. It often takes the form of doing charity work, teaching truth and a return to G_d. I started this blog in 2010 and expressly stated it was a charitable work. I was 50 at the time. Starting at the age of 56 I began to refit a large fishing yacht and to build a presence in the Bahamas for my impending retirement. The timing of these things was not a coincidence.
Back to Dalio. He's now 70. He's worth $18 billion. He doesn't need to work and he doesn't need to spend his time giving interviews or teaching but he's still actively doing both. There is a reason for that and I doubt it is any different from the reasons discussed above. Namely, he's old and he wants to do some good before he goes. Thus, when he says the world "has gone mad" because of debt based "free money for the rich", it makes sense to listen.
In that article he says what I have been saying for the past decade:
- debt based money is a scam
- it works until it doesn't and then boy doesn't it (which is exactly what happens in any kind of Ponzi)
- debt money is a transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich (like him)
- debt money is the root cause of wealth inequality; it is essentially the naked short selling of physical labor.
- sooner or later Mark and Patsy will wake up and will come for the rich who will then flee in order to preserve their wealth (AKA capital flight)
- as capital flight accelerates, governments will begin to crack down with harsh penalties, freezing of assets, "exit penalty" payments being mandated etc.
What Dalio does not say but which is the logical extension of the above:
- until we get rid of debt based money, nothing will ever get better. debt based money, which I call Mammon Money, is the biggest con game ever pulled on the world. It is the quintessential definition of "FAKE". It corrupts all that it touches and is eventually doomed to massive failure.
- as the rich flee, so will the jobs they create. The poor will just get poorer and so the government will continually move the goal posts as to what constitutes "rich". Eventually, anyone who is now still considered upper middle class will be viewed as "rich".
- once the middle-upper middle class need to be targeted in order to transfer wealth to the starving lower classes in order to buy votes, it will begin with those who have assets that are on the books. If you have a nice retirement fund with stocks and bonds OR real estate, the wealth tax is coming for you. They will want a percentage of your existing wealth each year even if you are no longer working. They will want a percentage of paper gains before they are even realized and if after paying the paper gain tax the assets fall in value there will be no rebate. So the notion of long term investing will be out the window because government will win if your unrealized gains go up but you will take the hit by yourself when they come back down.
-----> The first BIG sign that they are coming for your 401k / IRA will be a change in the rules which closes the loophole whereby you can currently take possession of your retirement account simply by paying taxes and a 10% "fuck you" penalty for early repatriation of your wealth. That will be the sign that 10% is no longer enough of a shake down. Nobody is predicting this will happen except me by I am 10000% sure we will see it happen in the next 3-5 years. When you see them doing this, take your wealth out of their system or you may well never see it again. It will be the first sign that hyperinflation is nigh.
-----> Those who hold physical metals will not be affected by this rip off because possession of metals cannot be tracked, and WHAT CANNOT BE TRACKED CANNOT BE TAXED. Holding metals for retirement is like a self-owned Roth IRA - you pay the taxes up front but after that you never have the conversation with the government when you go to liquidate and consume the asset. Unlike a normal Roth, physical metals possession is outside of their control. Those who hold government Roths will get fucked just like everyone else. I guarantee they will stop you from taking your money out and then they will inflate all the value away while you watch it happen with no recourse.
Start buying metals for retirement RIGHT NOW, while they are still out of favor. Silver is the most undervalued.
I recently linked to this vid and it contains these important charts on silver:
Silver will be the real canary in the inflation coal mine. When silver takes off, people are giving up on the fake money supply.
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