Sunday, October 22, 2017

Another sign that Boy Scouts is going to see major reorganizations in the coming years.

It should be clear by now that Boy Scouts of America is infected/infested with rabid liberalism disease in which fake political correctness and fake inclusiveness might as well have their own merit badges.  The latest joke move by that organization was to kick a Cub Scout out of his den for asking politically incorrect questions when invited to a Q+A session with a local lawmaker.  The cub scout members had been told to "come prepared to talk to Republican state Sen. Vicki Marble about issues important to them."  When one of the scouts asked questions having to do with gun control and other things that the female politician had said, his mother was later notified by the scout leader that his questions were "of a political nature" and "disrespectful".

The unexpected twist in this story is that the lawmaker receiving the questions is republican and the questions from the kid were obviously of a liberal bent.  His tagline was "There is something wrong in our country where Republicans believe it's a right to own a gun but a privilege to have health care". 

MAN!! I feel sorry for the poor kid.  He was obviously indoctrinated into the liberal way of thinking somehow and he obviously thought he would be striking a blow for his liberal brainwashers.  But then he pulled the "I'm so clever" stunt and instead of being received like a war hero, he gets drummed out of his group!  In other words, some of the leadership in Boy Scouts are becoming more and more aware that the liberal attack dog tactic is now paying net negative returns.

Folks, that little boy doesn't really know what healthcare is and he has no idea why people should/must own guns in a free society.  Nobody bothered to point him to Catalan or told him to think about that fact that those people were thought they were free until they decided to exercise their fake right to be free.  As soon as they did, the central corrupt government, fearing income loss from indentured slaves, threatened to remove all of these locally elected officials from power and to use police force to "restore order".   Without the means of defending their claim of self determination, Catalans will be beaten back down into submission and told to be happy about it, or else.

I don't blame the poor confused little boy at all.  Young people always think the know more than they actually know and they are usually a reflection of those in the herd around them.  They always view things in a simplistic fashion with the nuances of the situation going right over their heads.  That's why they are called "children".  The cub scouts should NOT have drummed him out for this!  The stupid leaders of the group, in their effort to stay politically aligned with conservatives because conservatives seem to be winning at this time have thrown this poor kid under the bus.  Changing ones "ideals" like this simply to remain aligned with the power base is very liberal behavior.

What cub scouts should have done is nothing.  Any politician who can't handle a little grilling by a child has no place in politics.  They should have let the politician do her best to respond to the child's obviously pre-contemplated attacks.  Real conservatives do not need "pack help" in defending themselves from this kind of thing.  No, it doesn't take a village or a gang to defend against comments from a child.  That kid is going to be scarred in some way from this incident and his only crime was that nobody told him that peak liberalism has been hit and so if you want to make points in the herd you will lean centrist right now and then conservative later.  But his public beat down likely sent a big message to other kids who had similar thoughts.

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