The fact that the new laws pushed by Senators Morse and Giron did not seem like big changes is exactly why I am writing this post. If these nanny state bozos had tried to ban AR15s in the state or put a tax on 5.56 ammo then I probably would have thought, "well duh, what did they expect?" and deemed it unworthy of further mention. But, at least on the face of it (which you have to be careful about when dealing with the con men - things are never as they appear), the worst parts of the new set of laws seem to have been to require more background checks for purchasers and to limit clips to 15 rounds.
Of these two rules, the 15 rd clip would by far have had the most negative impact. Being an AR15 owner I know that a 20 rd clip is the bread and butter standard of AR15 ownership. AR owners will typically buy 5 or more of the 20 rd mags. If these were all outlawed it would push them down to the 15 rd mag which they would have to go buy and then be very unhappy about when using them. As for those who like their 30, 40, 50, 60 and 200 rd mags, well they would also be disappointed but they are not really the norm. It is the 20 rd mag user would would most likely have to pay this bureaucracy tax of throwing out their 20 rd mags and buying 15 rd mags instead.
Still, and this is probably the political miscalculation done by Morse and Giron as well, a few disgruntled gun owners be damned. Political grandstanding and invoking the safety of children had been working for the nanny state supporters so far for quite some time and so pushing these new laws through for their own political purposes just didn't seem like an offense worth being recalled for. I could only laugh aloud as the article above reported that Morse said it was a (paraphrased) "symbolic loss". Listen, citizen Morse, you lost your cushy admin job because you failed to understand herd think. You failed to read what kind of stress all of these rights encroachments was putting onto the herd. You simply failed. And so people from Colorado threw you and the other bum out. Deal with it bizach.
Another amazing aspect of this recall vote, and one that needs to be weighed heavily in the future calculations of all political bureaucrats who have been criminalizing citizen rights and trampling citizen privacy, is that the gun control lobby threw massive cash at the problem and still failed. WOAH!! Money is supposed to buy elections, isn't it?? Read the article. Even NYC nanny state mayor Bloomberg handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars out of his own deep pockets ($27 billion deep according to Wiki) to try to buy the election.
Let me say this: when a massive cash influx cannot buy votes, cannot sway people's opinions, then the whole political system better take notice. If common people are suddenly deciding to stand up for themselves instead of being pushed around by a bunch of worthless nanny statists, that is newsworthy IMO. It means that the sheeple are awakening and they are self organizing and they are pissed. It means that political efforts to push the same ole', same ole' agendas that seemed to be working so well might suddenly not only stop working but in fact it might be the end of the political careers for those who try these tactics.
Yeah, these were "only" state level senators. But this, IMO, is an important warning shot because the people who drove this recall were not the normal cast of characters like the NRA and the Republican party fixers and hacks. This time it was real, average men and women who did this and they did it despite the fact that their opponents said that the laws were for the safety of "the chilllllllldreeeeennnnnnn".
Don't believe me? Check out this photo from Fox news that I saw a couple days ago (and it made me think of the thoughts I'm putting into this blog post). Do these women up front look like crazy right wing gun owners? Do they look like young hot heads who are upset about their loss of gun rights? Do these look like paid NRA agents to you?
Bye bye, con men.
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