Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hysteria or healing?

It irks me to no end how, when everything is bubbling up due to the expansion of credit and debt, the mainstream media calls it "a miracle" while on the backside of the collapsing bubble it's called "hysteria" or "a panic".  Case in point: a recent article in The Telegraph which dubs as hysteria the push back by the German people against their government's attempts (aided by its central bank) to piss away more of the country's wealth on propping up the collapsing debt Ponzi/vendor finance scam in that region.  Dear Ms. Merkel: read my lips: Cut your losses and run.  The scam is in collapse.  The people have gotten wise to you.  Get out while you still can, con-girl.

That the German people did not want the European Union in the first place is a matter of historical record.  However, in order to ram it down their throats, the Euroscammers made unkeepable promises in the form of the Maastricht Treaty.  The four main rosy promises covered inflation rates, government finance (debt to GDP limits), exchange rates between members and long term interest rates.  Given these impossible sounding goals, intelligent people pushed back and so the framers of the Euroscam threw in another unkeepable promise in the form of Article 103, Section one, the clearly stated "no bailout rule":

"The Community shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of any Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific project. A Member State shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of another Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific project."

Given these worthless assurances, opposition caved and the German elite got to push forward with their creation of the great European vendor finance scam in spite of objections from informed and intelligent German people.  Of course, we now know that none of the 4 main principles of the original Maastricht Treaty have been kept and that the no bailout rule has also been proven to be the unkeepable promise that it always mathematically had to be.

How did the bailouts happen despite the no bailout clause?  Because government con men left themselves a backdoor catch-all bailout mechanism in the form of Article 100, section 2:

"Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may grant, under certain conditions, Community financial assistance to the Member State concerned. The President of the Council shall inform the European Parliament of the decision taken."

So what in essence the ruling elite did was to con the people by telling them that bailouts would be illegal while putting in place a mechanism for doing exactly that whenever they damned well felt the need to do so. 

I have to interrupt my own chain of thought here for a second to point out the wording used in that con-statement.  Read it: "Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control...".   Notice how they suggest that this clause, which is in effect a master override of all truth and honesty in the treaty, would only be put into effect if there was a natural disaster or some act of God which demanded it.  What a total red herring!!  I guess that just sounds better than saying "...when this debt / vendor finance Ponzi finally collapses under its own corrupt weight...".   And in what way is PIIGS over consumption of German and French exports beyond their control?  Of course consumption is under your control.  Not wanting to control debt based consumption is not the same as not having control of it.  The people who wrote this clause up clearly knew what they were doing and none of it was good for the rank and file worker.  It was a massive scam from day freaking one.

Let there be no doubt that the German government is not saving its own people with these bailouts of other EU countries like Greece.  The elite in German government is trying to save themselves.  They couldn't care less about the people who actually worked to build the country up out of the dirt.  If the debts are ever allowed to collapse then everyone is going to wonder what good the EU ever brought to anyone except leveraged producers (supported by bankers and politicians) in Germany and France.  If collapse occurs then it could again become time for pitchforks and torches in Euroland with elitist con men getting dragged into the streets and beaten or worse.  I mean "when" collapse occurs.   A collapse is mathematically guaranteed at some point.  It is the nature of a debt Ponzi to eventually collapse.

So is it hysteria that the German people are crying "Genug!!!" or is it a return to sanity?  Is it panic when people run away from government gone wild or is it merely self preservation?  It is criminal to question the ruling elite or just common sense?

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