Friday, July 8, 2011

Is Goldman Sachs stock rolling over?

   Quick post today because I am traveling for the next 2 weeks but I did want to point out that the Goldman Sachs chart is looking very weak.  Goldman is of course the poster child for money manipulators who extract far more compensation from society than they work to add to the economy.  When the great debt Ponzi eventually collapses GS will certainly have a leadership role in the collapse, AIG style.   Right now these con men have everyone fooled into thinking that they are not part of the system but rather damned near the system itself.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If they were so strong they would not have needed backdoor bailouts via the AIG scandal.  Goldman is using Art of War tactics.  It is acting strong when it knows it is very vulnerable. 

In the long run Goldman will be lucky to survive at all.  Once the big crash occurs those who have fallen in step behind it will turn on it just as Brutus turned on Caesar.  Knives will appear and it will get very bloody.  If they are not careful it could even turn into criminal charges (a very common occurence when a dictator falls).  The Goldman insiders know this which is why they have been paying themselves massive, even record bonuses.  They are sucking all the value out of the Goldman name while they can.  The above chart shows that the market is starting to question the value of Goldman.  The fact that their BFF Bernanke pumped all that QEx money into the economy and GS stock could not make a higher high is telling.  I would not be at all surprised to see GS stock start gapping down/cliff diving based on some new revelation of some long existing risks that had gone bad but which were papered over as long as possible.

How can I make such outlandish predictions?  Simply because Goldman is a parasite which does not create nearly as much economic value though the labor of work as it extracts from the economy.  Goldman is effectively another form of taxation.  It is a corporate grifter, a con man.  No con ever lasted forever and the Goldman con cannot stand on its own once the debt Ponzi collapses.  Their fates are inextricably but not inexplicably intertwined.
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