By now most of you know what my views on precious metals are - that they are going to go up in an historic bull market that has already begun. But few realize what the odds are telling me as to actual price levels which the models see happening. My subscribers know full well what I think about this based not on gut feel, political opinion or anything else except the hard data found in the charts. The data cannot be spun. It is not a lie or a manipulation. It is the best and clearest representation of fact that we have. By now, hopefully, most have seen enough of my models to know that they can be scary accurate. And so today I want to give you something that few others can give which is a strong model for what to expect in the next few years in terms of silver .
I hate to say, but it won't likely be pretty. If silver does what my model says it is going to do, prices on everything will begin to skyrocket very soon because silver is unlikely to move like this in a vacuum. The C wave of an expanding wedge is generally one of the fastest moving legs which is why it allows for a move in the price of silver from current price of sub $30 to some place between $500 and $750. Not in the next 50 years mind you, but in the next 3-4 years.
As we have already seen in the past, silver can easily move as much as I suggest that it will move (15x from present price). In fact the move up from red 2 to red 3 in the model below was a move from 40 cents to $36 (9000%). In other words, a 90 fold increase in price based on the monthly closing price (the daily closing price would be even more!). So don't fool yourself into thinking that what my models are telling us is some preposterous fantasy.
What makes this possible is the intrinsic worthlessness of fake money. When something has no intrinsic worth, like a Madoff account which was nothing more than a broadly believed lie, the value of it can plummet simply because of awareness and understanding. In other words, all people have to do is wake up to the truth about the fake money for the purchasing power of it to plummet very rapidly. In truth, with the closing of the gold window the damage is already done long ago!!! All that is missing is the broad understanding of and awakening to the fact. In the not too distant future, many if not most people will go to bed one night caring nothing about gold and silver only to wake up the next day ready to stand in lines around their local coin shop trying to get some. When enough of the herd wakes up and gets FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) people will be fighting for the chance to exchange dying green paper cash for timeless precious metals.
Thinking people will say, "OK granted the price can go up many X over the course of 50 years. I see that it has already happened in the past and therefore I must concede that it is possible. But what can I look at that tells me that a 15x price move can take place over just the next 3-1/2 to 4 years??"
THIS EXACT QUESTION is why I wrote this post more than 10 years ago in order to explain how exponential functions compress time between events. The exponential function that I referred to back then was the US debt which was $14 trillion at that time. That post stated that the curve was an exponential function which would soon enter the "straight up" portion of the curve. It showed we had some time left. Now, 10 years later we can compare the current data to the data back then to see if I was right or not.
Below is a side by side comparison of the chart I provided at the time along with the current chart of total public debt, which now exceeds $28 trillion.
A reasonably close overlay with a trend-smoothing yellow line is below. We are now in the straight up portion of this curve. Do you really think they can just stop now? Really??? THEY CAN'T and so they won't. The packages and stimulus will just get bigger and bigger. Do not be fooled by talk of fed raising rates, etc. If they did that it would cause an immediate collapse of the markets and it would end the political career of those who did it. And they damned well know it as should everyone with any power of discernment or independent thought.
Oh yeah, and this sudden rash of hacking related shortages such as the east coast gasoline shortage and the new JBS meat plant hacking which affected 1/4 of US beef supply do you really believe all of this propaganda?? Why is this hacking happening all of a sudden? Why nothing like this for years on end only to have a rash of them happening now? Those who believe this hacking bullshit are the same people who believe that WTC7, a building that was never hit by any airplane on 9-11, simply deciding to collapse exactly into its own footprint at the free fall speed of gravity surrounded by a cloud of pyroclastic dust. People who can think on their own simply do not believe in magic like that. I have written many times that the first signs of the collapse of the Global Debt Ponzi will be product shortages and civil unrest. When I wrote these things, product shortages were unheard of and civil unrest was hardly a concern.
Here, do yourself a favor. Watch this video where a Romanian national explains what it was like to live through hyperinflation. Read about the spot shortages here and there that lead to rising prices everywhere.
This is how silver can and likely will go up 15x in the next 3-4 years. Remember, the purchasing power of a faith based currency like a Madoff account or of the US dollar is wholly dependent upon confidence in the issuing authority. Look around at said authority. Do you have any confidence in them? If Trump was a "dumpster fire" as characterized by the media then from a confidence perspective the Biden crime family is a 747 crashing into the hoover dam killing everyone aboard and thousands in the valley below.
God Bless you 🙏
Best comment ever, truly. Bless you as well, whoever you are, wherever you may be.
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