Elon Musk has been making huge anti-establishment statements over the past several years. In May of 2020 he told the CA government he would not continue to shut down production because of covid. And so he just ignored the government. When the government acted like they were in charge, he just said "F-U", you are not the boss of me and moved Tesla HQ and new factories to Texas. Just like that. A man not of words but of action. Shortly thereafter he sold 3 CA mansions and moved the Hell out.
response, people bid up shares of Tesla. Certainly not because of
business performance! This was all done so that the herd could feel
like they are on the same side as a real and actual walking talking free
man. There is no (zero) business case for owning TSLA stock at these
price levels except that Elon Musk is a real, fearless, thinking man's
man. He is the modern day equivalent of what The Bible refers to as
"men of renown, mighty men of valor". And the mostly ignorant herd is
lapping it up. The proof is in the fact that they've made Musk the
richest man in the world. I would say "on paper" but that goes without saying because 95% of what passes for wealth today is just fake paper wealth which would evaporate the second the fed stops creating new currency in order to prop up the Global Debt Ponzi.
Unlike so many lying duplicitous snakes that live in the public eye, Musk is not one to say something and then do something different. He is building a rep as being a man of his word and a man of decisive action. And so far his actions have had positive outcomes. He's "a starter" and "a winner". So when Musk says he's doing this or that, people 1) believe him and 2) want to be like him so they 3) follow his moves.
As a risk taker, eventually Musk will probably zig when he should have
zagged. In life there are old pilots and bold pilots but no old, bold
pilots as the saying goes. Well at least not since Chuck Yeager died at the ripe old age
of 97. That is amazing given his motto: "You don't concentrate on risks. You concentrate on results. No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done."
Musk could be the future Chuck Yeager of business for all I know. But my
point is that he's become a force of nature in the eyes of the herd in
the here and now even if perhaps not forever.
Well that force is talking down the dollar in a big way. He's not saying it in so many words because he's not trying to make a political statement. But his actions speak volumes as he uses real money to move out of the dollar and into other assets on his balance sheet. For all we really know, the company is worried about the new EV competition and this is a gamble. Perhaps he bought bitcoin and then publicized it so that it would go up 2-4 x so he could sell into it and thus recapitalize just as competition arrives on scene.
But I digress. My point is that without saying that he fears the dollar will go down, Musk is clearly demonstrating that he fears the dollar will go down. He bought bitcoin with company cash and for the first time in many years, a non precious metals dealer will again be listing precious metals on its balance sheet statement. This cannot be overlooked or overstated. This is yet another prediction of mine coming true as you can read from this 2012 post from this, my legacy blog: "As I have indicated in prior posts, one huge trigger that will likely get the herd really interested in gold will be when corporations, fearing the government printing presses, begin to seek safety in physical gold which they will begin listing as assets on their corporate balance sheets. Nobody but nobody in the financial media is talking about this today. The only corporations which have even breathed a word of this strategy are mining companies and even among them there is still no real push in this direction. But it will happen because it has to happen as the fraudulent fiat currency continues to die. Those corporations which do not figure it out will die right along with the fraudulent currency.".
Musk is a trend maker. It's not just private citizens who are influenced by his moves. After all, he got to be the richest man in the world so many CEOs probably follow him very carefully. And Musk is clearly setting the tone that he wants at least some of his corporate assets out of the dollar. He even mentioned hard assets like gold on his balance sheet. This is the kind of talk that could get real dangerous real fast for the dollar.
If every US corporation decided to store corporate
cash, even just 5%, in gold then it would put upward pressure on the
metal like has not been seen in 60 years. And make no mistake, gold is
Kryptonite to the fake paper currency. This is a good read and it comes
from Greenspan back in 2010. He says gold "signals problems with respect to currency markets".
That of course is not quite correct. Gold doesn't "signal" problems
for fake money any more than kryptonite "signals" for superman to grow
weak unto death. Gold CAUSES problems for fake money by being a place
to run to when the markets become fearful that the end of a debt Ponzi
cycle is near.
History shows that, upon seeing conquistadors land on
the north American continent, the indigenous population would have been very wise to recognize it as an
existential threat. The right thing to do would have been to kill every
single one of the invaders the second their feet touched dry land, dump their carcasses into the holds of their ships, push
them out into 1000' of water and scuttle them leaving a mystery as to
where they went. They should not have allowed these trend
makers to rape, rob and pillage and then to go back to their homeland
and brag about it thus encouraging others to follow. If Hillary were
president I would be buying life insurance on Musk. But with wet noodle
joke biden, Musk is going to do and say what he wants without any real
threat of retaliation. biden will some day claim to be a native
American like Warren did, simply because he made the same mistakes with
respect to existential threats as native Americans did. He will wear it like a badge of honor.
Nobody knows what events will occur or which of them the herd will use as an excuse to make a mass migration after grazing so long in one area. But this new trend direction by Musk is certainly the type of thing that could trigger it.
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