However today he has finally fully woken up and we know that because he's finally quoting vonMises as the lead in to his periodical email newsletter.
While it is just common sense, everyone seems oblivious to the fact that you cannot live on debt forever and that at some point there must be a day of reckoning. I urge each of you to take this with great seriousness. It is beyond anything that any living person has ever experienced and it will scar the world in deep but not completely predictable ways.
They cannot fix this. Nobody can. There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. No means no. Trump only made the bubble bigger. Biden is just a figurehead. He doesn't know what day it is. Neither of them matter. Why? Because there is NO means to avoid the final collapse.
When that collapse happens there will be supply chain interruptions. There will be hunger and there will be death from starvation right here in the USA. The reason this will happen is that the government's fake money won't be able to buy anyone's labor and a country which has outsourced its civic responsibility to government is not going to suddenly change. Over time it will change but only after the stench of dead bodies is too big to ignore.
It doesn't have to be mad max to be very very bad. Small problems left un-greased with new cash can quickly turn into big ones. A stitch in time does save nine, but if your needle and thread suddenly disappear then who can make the needed repairs?
We must all become our own backup plan because government cannot and thus will not be there for us. Now is the time to think about this and plan for it. Importantly, KNOW where your food will be coming from and I don't mean costco or safeway. They will be crippled by credit default in the supply chain. It's more than obvious.
You have been warned. Don't just sit there like a dummy. Move your ass.
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