"Reade’s allegations put Biden in a bind. His past behavior, including undercutting Anita Hill’s claims against then–Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991, and his habit of touching and kissing women in ways that make them feel uncomfortable,
It is not normal for those running cover operations to point out things that suggest there is a long standing pattern of prior behavior which is in line with the accusations. Since Green led with this, the reader can only sense that she is siding with Mika B. in not being able to believe Biden's obvious lies.
has dogged his campaign for president. Partly in response, Biden has sold himself as a champion of women, pointing to his work on the Violence Against Women Act in the Senate and the Obama administration.
Green clearly states that Biden's participation in Violence Against Women Act was a sell job which was done at least in part to try to combat his past creepiness caught on camera.
When Christine Blasey Ford alleged that then–Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had assaulted her at a party in high school and the Senate subsequently held hearings on her claims, Biden expressed enthusiastic support for Ford. “It takes enormous courage for a woman to come forward, under the bright lights of millions of people watching, and relive something that happened to her,” he said. She “should be given the benefit of the doubt.” Now that he’s facing sexual-assault allegations of his own, Biden’s approach has changed.
Again, Green clearly agrees with Mike B that Biden is a hypocrite. The allegation is that Biden is a women's rights supporter only when it can be used as a political weapon against opponents. These are not things you can easily dismiss or take back once said. This is a liberal rag's strongest way of saying "Biden is a fuckin' liar".
Biden cannot go on the attack against Reade without seeming like a hypocrite. He needs the media—especially an outlet with the kind of credibility and authority that the Times has—to do the work of exonerating him if he’s going to have any hope of leaving these allegations behind.
OK, so like any other liberal rag, instead of saying Biden should just drop out of political life, Green begins to discuss political survival strategies which, of course, leverage the power of the liberal press to hypnotize and brain wash the masses into ignoring the obvious sexual assault committed by their hero, Creepy Joe Biden.
Biden’s answer here is a little disingenuous: During the Kavanaugh hearings, he stated clearly a number of times that he believed Christine Blasey Ford’s account should essentially be treated as true. Biden said she “gave courageous, credible and powerful testimony,” according to the Associated Press. He told the Today show that she “should be given the benefit of the doubt,” in part because “it takes enormous courage for a woman to come forward, under the bright lights of millions of people watching, and relive something that happened to her.” And he told reporters that “for a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts.”
Biden went so far as to call for an FBI investigation regarding Ford’s claims, which he has not called for here.
Again, Green breaks ranks by calling Biden disingenuous. She breaks the edge by prefixing the label with the word "little" but you cannot be a little disingenuous, a little bit of a liar, or a little bit of a rapist. So this is Green again calling Creepy Joe Biden a fuckin' liar in the strongest words that her rag will print.
Although Biden is portraying himself as totally open to investigation, he was resistant throughout the interview to opening his papers to searches for matters relating to Tara Reade.
Again Green questions Biden's real desire to support a full investigation.
This moment in the interview offers the best look at Biden’s strategy for handling these claims. These comments indicate that his former staff and campaign have been cooperating with investigations into Reade’s claims, including the story by The New York Times. Biden is betting that these investigations will clear his name and cast doubt on Reade’s claims.
Again, just a discussion on strategy for avoiding justice, not any kind of supporting statement for the sexual predator the Biden actually is.
It’s notable that Biden does not take Brzezinski’s invitation to address Reade. He is still speaking about her, in third person, as he does throughout the interview. He is not willing, at least in this forum, to speak directly to his accuser."
Without saying it directly, Green is strongly implying that Biden does not see the victim as a person but rather as an object. This behavior is commonly attributed to sociopaths of all kinds, including sexual predators. How many of these behaviors do we see in Creepy Joe Biden?
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