The times we are entering will see all manner of firsts, and the events will come closer and closer together, like a woman giving birth. That's because the collapse is an exponential function. The riots in MN have been very damaging and so the governor is now mobilizing the national guard to put down the uprising. This is another first in the history of that state. The reason given for this action was that "this is no longer about protesting".
Of course, that is true. Looting the local stores is simply about taking advantage of a situation. But those who did it are merely following the example of the elite. When the Ponzi that the elite created with their fake money system collapses, the elite respond by debasing the people's currency to bail themselves out. The people steal a few million when they see their opening but the elite steal trillions. So let's not forget what this is really about. It's about the end days of the Global Debt Ponzi. It's about people who have figured out that their future, their freedoms and their prosperity have been conned from them by liars and con men and thieves.
There are several ways that the people can respond effectively, if only they would. But protesting like this is not it. This is how stupid people respond. They go put themselves in harm's way to what, steal a microwave oven? They go out without face coverings and get caught on camera leaving a record that will certainly be followed up on after the herd calms down. How is this in any way effective? It is foolish to battle the statist army when in fact the people should go right down to the state house and demand the resignation of he that oversaw the death of Floyd. The power of the polices flows down from the government and if government heads cannot control their POLICt Enforcers then government heads must roll.
Instead of the headlines reading "MN mobilizes national guard for the first time in 164 year history" they should read "people remove useless governor from office after his failure in leadership leads to yet another police murder of a citizen".
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
So far the fight has been all one sided. That's about to change.
Like Rocky Balboa, Trump has stood right in front of the punches from the left, hardly defending himself. But after 7 rounds, the left looks tired and Trump still looks fresh. After the recent discovery about the complete corruption of FBI, CIA, DOJ and FISA abuses, Bill Barr initially said he would not be bringing charges. He initially said he knew there were some bad actors but that he he cautioned that being immoral was not necessarily illegal.
What Barr was really saying was this: The elite do not like to fight in front of the children. There is a SHIT TON of stinky dirt on both the left and the right. A for real war between them could be unnecessarily damaging to both sides. His initial advice to Trump was thus to just let it go. Let the public realize they were had by Obama, Inc. and then take your win at the polls.
But that would be a political move, not a leadership move. And Trump knows that people want to see elite heads roll. So now Barr has changed his tune about not prosecuting and has instead assigned a special prosecutor to go after those who illegally unmasked Flynn. This could get real ugly real quickly because, like any organized crime cartel, the prosecutor will go after a small fry and get him to turn state's evidence in exchange for immunity. Many of those whose names were illegally used in the "unmasking storm" on Flynn are now saying they in no way made those unmasking requests. And so it will be on them to say who they think did it and why. Not because they want to but because they are implicated and they need to get out of the way of the bulldozer.
There is a good chance that one or more of those minions know something that they are not supposed to know. Something they heard but, like corrupt little complicit cronies, they said nothing about for fear of job and pension. And the law says that if you know of a crime and don't say anything, you are complicit. So those people are actually accomplices who are now coming into sudden and dire need of an immunity deal.
This is a good time to step back and consider something. Remember all those years ago when I said that big government was nothing more than an organized criminal cartel? Remember when I said "fuck you" to the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, EIEIO? Remember when I said that they would eventually be brought down by a rat in their ranks because that's how all organized criminal cartels generally collapse?
How did you feel when I said all those things? Were you shocked? Did you think I was being bombastic if not paranoid or insane? Was it all kind of laughable? I'm willing to bet that 95% of my readers probably felt some or all of those things.
But now we find out that they were all in fact true and I guarantee you that we are only scratching the surface. Major players will be perp walked into jail and people will say they never saw it coming before this is over. And all of it will have happened for exactly the stated reasons: the herd let the pendulum swing to the ridiculous left and when it hit its limit on that side, it reversed and has been moving right ever since. We are no where near center yet. IT will be 5-10 years before we are even remotely center. And then for 10 years after that we will be solidly center and then for the next 30 years after that will will be swinging too far right until it again gets ridiculous. That is just how the herd rolls. My world view has been spot on because I see the big picture in a unique way which is supported by evidence and facts. Buckle up as we continue to move away from the left until we see the left absolutely implode in a cringeworthy way. All of their lies, their treason, their pedophilia and satanic activities toward children will be exposed. They will be exposed and indicted for the mass killings of Americans on 9-11 and serious reforms will be put in place so that it does not happen again soon (although it will certainly happen again in the future). Major names who everyone thought was immune will be crushed and destroyed by the backlash, not as much from conservatives but from the liberals who were gullible and who mocked people like me for seeing the things that they could not.
It's coming folks. It's absolutely coming.
What Barr was really saying was this: The elite do not like to fight in front of the children. There is a SHIT TON of stinky dirt on both the left and the right. A for real war between them could be unnecessarily damaging to both sides. His initial advice to Trump was thus to just let it go. Let the public realize they were had by Obama, Inc. and then take your win at the polls.
But that would be a political move, not a leadership move. And Trump knows that people want to see elite heads roll. So now Barr has changed his tune about not prosecuting and has instead assigned a special prosecutor to go after those who illegally unmasked Flynn. This could get real ugly real quickly because, like any organized crime cartel, the prosecutor will go after a small fry and get him to turn state's evidence in exchange for immunity. Many of those whose names were illegally used in the "unmasking storm" on Flynn are now saying they in no way made those unmasking requests. And so it will be on them to say who they think did it and why. Not because they want to but because they are implicated and they need to get out of the way of the bulldozer.
There is a good chance that one or more of those minions know something that they are not supposed to know. Something they heard but, like corrupt little complicit cronies, they said nothing about for fear of job and pension. And the law says that if you know of a crime and don't say anything, you are complicit. So those people are actually accomplices who are now coming into sudden and dire need of an immunity deal.
This is a good time to step back and consider something. Remember all those years ago when I said that big government was nothing more than an organized criminal cartel? Remember when I said "fuck you" to the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, EIEIO? Remember when I said that they would eventually be brought down by a rat in their ranks because that's how all organized criminal cartels generally collapse?
How did you feel when I said all those things? Were you shocked? Did you think I was being bombastic if not paranoid or insane? Was it all kind of laughable? I'm willing to bet that 95% of my readers probably felt some or all of those things.
But now we find out that they were all in fact true and I guarantee you that we are only scratching the surface. Major players will be perp walked into jail and people will say they never saw it coming before this is over. And all of it will have happened for exactly the stated reasons: the herd let the pendulum swing to the ridiculous left and when it hit its limit on that side, it reversed and has been moving right ever since. We are no where near center yet. IT will be 5-10 years before we are even remotely center. And then for 10 years after that we will be solidly center and then for the next 30 years after that will will be swinging too far right until it again gets ridiculous. That is just how the herd rolls. My world view has been spot on because I see the big picture in a unique way which is supported by evidence and facts. Buckle up as we continue to move away from the left until we see the left absolutely implode in a cringeworthy way. All of their lies, their treason, their pedophilia and satanic activities toward children will be exposed. They will be exposed and indicted for the mass killings of Americans on 9-11 and serious reforms will be put in place so that it does not happen again soon (although it will certainly happen again in the future). Major names who everyone thought was immune will be crushed and destroyed by the backlash, not as much from conservatives but from the liberals who were gullible and who mocked people like me for seeing the things that they could not.
It's coming folks. It's absolutely coming.
And so we are beginning to see what the war is really between.
The leftist satanic elite want to close down society and bring we the people at each other's throats. It is more than obvious and Trump knows damned well, it is clear from recent news. The left says it is doing things for the good of the people. But look at the obvious facts: wherever there is the chance to damage people's religion, freedom of movement and speech while enhancing the power of the state etc., the left is in agreement with doing it. But for those that tend to bring humanity down (alcohol, abortion, anger/rioting, criminality (letting criminals go while criminalizing good people), curtailment of production of food and necessities etc.), the left is all for those things.
This is simply the facts. It is a well documented and undeniable pattern. Just ignore the bullshit cover story because it is in fact bullshit. And as you can see by today's news, Trump knows what he is dealing with. He said, "some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and houses of worship,” places that “hold our society together and keep our people united.” "It’s not right” “So I’m correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow our churches and places of worship to open right now. If there’s any question they’re going to have to call me, but they’re not going to be successful in that call. If they don’t do it I will override the governors,” “In America we need more prayer, not less.”.
Trump is not the most religious guy I ever heard of. But I don't think he's an evil satanist either. He's just a normal opportunistic human who plays the system when he can how he can. But Trump is now seeing something that I think is waking him up. He's seeing a broader agenda that cannot be denied and he's realizing that what he is fighting isn't just political opposition. It's something more. If he did not think so then he would not have made that last comment. He would simply have concluded that the liberals were overstepping their constitutional authority.
I wish this was only about politics but of course it's not. We will be seeing more about this soon enough but I agree with Trump, if the left doesn't want people to worship and pray, that's exactly what we should all be doing.
This is simply the facts. It is a well documented and undeniable pattern. Just ignore the bullshit cover story because it is in fact bullshit. And as you can see by today's news, Trump knows what he is dealing with. He said, "some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and houses of worship,” places that “hold our society together and keep our people united.” "It’s not right” “So I’m correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow our churches and places of worship to open right now. If there’s any question they’re going to have to call me, but they’re not going to be successful in that call. If they don’t do it I will override the governors,” “In America we need more prayer, not less.”.
Trump is not the most religious guy I ever heard of. But I don't think he's an evil satanist either. He's just a normal opportunistic human who plays the system when he can how he can. But Trump is now seeing something that I think is waking him up. He's seeing a broader agenda that cannot be denied and he's realizing that what he is fighting isn't just political opposition. It's something more. If he did not think so then he would not have made that last comment. He would simply have concluded that the liberals were overstepping their constitutional authority.
I wish this was only about politics but of course it's not. We will be seeing more about this soon enough but I agree with Trump, if the left doesn't want people to worship and pray, that's exactly what we should all be doing.
Dear Hong Kong, don't rely on the kindness of strangers
China is using the pause in Hong Kong protests to ram into place its corrupt takeover of Hong Kong well before the deadline that was provided for when once-Great Britain abandoned it to the Chinese. Should the Chinese be allowed to get away with it, the effects on Hong Kong will be transformational, and not in a good way. Within months of this going through, the great firewall will descend upon Hong Kong and military presence will materialize in order to cement in the the "new normal" going forward. It will not get better for sure, it will only get worse, and rapidly.
Dear People of Hong Hong,
This is absolutely a camel's nose under the tent situation. You either cut this nose off right now with a very sharp axe or that MF camel will be in the tent with you very soon. Do not count on the USA for help. China knows that Trump does not want to get into conflict with China so close to the US elections. So you cannot count on the US to back you up either now or later. And anyone who counts on the globalist homos running the EU is a fool. This is your fight, and yours alone. The world cannot save you from your evil step dad. If you want your freedom, you will have to fight for it. It will not be nice, it will not be fun, it will not be easy and it will not be clean. People will have to die, both your people and their people.
You have exactly 2 choices now: fight and kill and die or be taken into slavery. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. It is reminiscent of the the USA which had to decide to break away from once-Great Britain except when the US broke away, it was taking vast resources with it in the form of the American continent. Once we broke away we threw the natives out and took over. So it was a big win for white America. That was a growth story. It was very clearly worth fighting for.
Hong Kong is not a growth story. The growth has already happened. Hong Kong's fight will not be to protect future growth (like America's was) but rather to try to keep what they already earned. Hong Kong people need to figure out and decide for themselves what makes sense. Shall they be chased from their homes, from their possessions, from their careers and from their very way of life? Shall they be made refugees in their own city or, for the smart ones should it come to that, far away from Hong Kong? Or will they self organize, learn from the lessons of history and stand and fight? Whatever they decide to do, they need to decide as a team. They must not act as individuals in this.
Protesting is ultimately a waste of time; it has zero chance of keeping China at bay! No f-ing way. It just wastes energy and resources. HK needs to organize itself into a deadly, effective, efficient killing machine. It needs to show big old China that size does not matter if it is up against informed military strategy. Asymmetrical warfare is the only thing that can save HK now. It should start with immediate removal of all HK traitors who are working as Chinese agents. This must happen in parallel and it must occur in a way that will get the attention of everyone. 100 dedicated patriots must invade the homes of Chinese agents working in HK government and gut them in their beds in the middle of the night. Them and their families. Only the pets should survive. It sounds cruel but war is war. People die. IF you pussy foot around then eventually more people die. The least damaging outcomes are those which happen quickly. It's the long, drawn out siege battles that are the most painful to the population.
Think about it for a second. HK is no match for China if all the men folk march out to the field of honor and then begin trading bullets and bayonet charges. Once that is fully (and easily) understood, it becomes clear that HK has no option but to use terror tactics, AKA asymmetrical warfare in order to keep much bigger brother from bending them over the log. In typical warfare, the soldier goes to combat while wife and children stay home safe. They do not beg the soldier to stay home. Why? Because they see it as his job and then the propaganda machine makes it all seem patriotic and good to kill other people in far away lands on behalf of corporate financial interests.
However, what if instead the wife and children are held to account? What if they, being support for the soldier that would come to kill and impoverish the enemy, are slain? What would that do to the soldier? What would that do to the families of other soldiers? Would they be so happy to send their husbands away to kill others if they themselves had to fear for their own lives? I think not.
FORGET fake morality. Forget someone else's idea of morality. How can I, as an American living a good life and with the benefit of fake money as the tailwind of my economic success, condemn someone else who does what it takes to effectively and efficiently repel an enemy take over? That would be massively hypocritical of me. HK people should not care what anyone thinks of their methods. They should only care about what works. HK people have already requested help, but everyone is afraid of China in one way or the other (and with good reason). Help will not come and so it has now fallen to HK people to decide if they will be slaves or if they will do what it takes to EARN their freedom. HK people should use guns, knives, poison and all other means at their disposal to keep the evil empire at bay. IF they don't then I'm sorry to say, they really will have gotten what they deserved. I cannot feel sorry for people who have the ability to defend themselves in a fight but instead sit there and do nothing as their attackers take away their future.
Dear People of Hong Hong,
This is absolutely a camel's nose under the tent situation. You either cut this nose off right now with a very sharp axe or that MF camel will be in the tent with you very soon. Do not count on the USA for help. China knows that Trump does not want to get into conflict with China so close to the US elections. So you cannot count on the US to back you up either now or later. And anyone who counts on the globalist homos running the EU is a fool. This is your fight, and yours alone. The world cannot save you from your evil step dad. If you want your freedom, you will have to fight for it. It will not be nice, it will not be fun, it will not be easy and it will not be clean. People will have to die, both your people and their people.
You have exactly 2 choices now: fight and kill and die or be taken into slavery. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. It is reminiscent of the the USA which had to decide to break away from once-Great Britain except when the US broke away, it was taking vast resources with it in the form of the American continent. Once we broke away we threw the natives out and took over. So it was a big win for white America. That was a growth story. It was very clearly worth fighting for.
Hong Kong is not a growth story. The growth has already happened. Hong Kong's fight will not be to protect future growth (like America's was) but rather to try to keep what they already earned. Hong Kong people need to figure out and decide for themselves what makes sense. Shall they be chased from their homes, from their possessions, from their careers and from their very way of life? Shall they be made refugees in their own city or, for the smart ones should it come to that, far away from Hong Kong? Or will they self organize, learn from the lessons of history and stand and fight? Whatever they decide to do, they need to decide as a team. They must not act as individuals in this.
Protesting is ultimately a waste of time; it has zero chance of keeping China at bay! No f-ing way. It just wastes energy and resources. HK needs to organize itself into a deadly, effective, efficient killing machine. It needs to show big old China that size does not matter if it is up against informed military strategy. Asymmetrical warfare is the only thing that can save HK now. It should start with immediate removal of all HK traitors who are working as Chinese agents. This must happen in parallel and it must occur in a way that will get the attention of everyone. 100 dedicated patriots must invade the homes of Chinese agents working in HK government and gut them in their beds in the middle of the night. Them and their families. Only the pets should survive. It sounds cruel but war is war. People die. IF you pussy foot around then eventually more people die. The least damaging outcomes are those which happen quickly. It's the long, drawn out siege battles that are the most painful to the population.
Think about it for a second. HK is no match for China if all the men folk march out to the field of honor and then begin trading bullets and bayonet charges. Once that is fully (and easily) understood, it becomes clear that HK has no option but to use terror tactics, AKA asymmetrical warfare in order to keep much bigger brother from bending them over the log. In typical warfare, the soldier goes to combat while wife and children stay home safe. They do not beg the soldier to stay home. Why? Because they see it as his job and then the propaganda machine makes it all seem patriotic and good to kill other people in far away lands on behalf of corporate financial interests.
However, what if instead the wife and children are held to account? What if they, being support for the soldier that would come to kill and impoverish the enemy, are slain? What would that do to the soldier? What would that do to the families of other soldiers? Would they be so happy to send their husbands away to kill others if they themselves had to fear for their own lives? I think not.
FORGET fake morality. Forget someone else's idea of morality. How can I, as an American living a good life and with the benefit of fake money as the tailwind of my economic success, condemn someone else who does what it takes to effectively and efficiently repel an enemy take over? That would be massively hypocritical of me. HK people should not care what anyone thinks of their methods. They should only care about what works. HK people have already requested help, but everyone is afraid of China in one way or the other (and with good reason). Help will not come and so it has now fallen to HK people to decide if they will be slaves or if they will do what it takes to EARN their freedom. HK people should use guns, knives, poison and all other means at their disposal to keep the evil empire at bay. IF they don't then I'm sorry to say, they really will have gotten what they deserved. I cannot feel sorry for people who have the ability to defend themselves in a fight but instead sit there and do nothing as their attackers take away their future.
The Minnesota death of George Floyd is going to change things
The battle at Kruger showed that the herd puts up with and puts up with and puts up with until it doesn't and after that point, things change. The recent policy change by University of Minnesota regarding no longer affiliating with the police for game security, etc. is clear evidence that the people have had enough. The university didn't want to change but people called in and either expressed fear of the police or demanding that the university stop using their officers as security (in other words, day cops were making money as rent-a-cops at events).
This move represents a loss of income for the department members and so the misbehavior of a few of their own FINALLY affects all of them. It doesn't take much of this kind of thing for cops to begin policing their own which is what should have happened in the George Floyd case. 3 other cops were standing around watching the one cop casually squeeze the life out of a helpless man on the ground who was left to beg in vain for his life as they executed him on the spot. It was their job to ensure that their team member did not go overboard but instead all they did was keep the angry herd off of the killer so he could complete his task.
I applaud U of MN for breaking ranks and making this policy change in a public way. It shows that the establishment is breaking ranks and a divided house cannot stand. The people need to begin tying the police pension fund payout to corrupt killings by the police. It's simple: for every person that is killed by cops without good reason, 1% of the accrued benefits of the police force will just evaporate. The funds will be moved from police pension funds to public funds and will then be used to pay the family of the victims a huge out-sized payout. In this way, each and every murder caused by the police will be felt by every member of the team and that long standing blue line will simply collapse. Cops will be taking the bad cops around back of the woodshed and reading them the riot act. When faced with the moral depravity of institutionalized murder of the people, cops don't give a fucking shit. But if it actually affects them personally then you better believe these corrupt assholes will care. There will be no need for administrative action because regular cops will slap the bad apples around in order to make sure they toe the line and don't mess up the gravy train called public pension.
No matter, we will default on all of them anyway. Not because we want to but because it is built into the debt Ponzi.
This move represents a loss of income for the department members and so the misbehavior of a few of their own FINALLY affects all of them. It doesn't take much of this kind of thing for cops to begin policing their own which is what should have happened in the George Floyd case. 3 other cops were standing around watching the one cop casually squeeze the life out of a helpless man on the ground who was left to beg in vain for his life as they executed him on the spot. It was their job to ensure that their team member did not go overboard but instead all they did was keep the angry herd off of the killer so he could complete his task.
I applaud U of MN for breaking ranks and making this policy change in a public way. It shows that the establishment is breaking ranks and a divided house cannot stand. The people need to begin tying the police pension fund payout to corrupt killings by the police. It's simple: for every person that is killed by cops without good reason, 1% of the accrued benefits of the police force will just evaporate. The funds will be moved from police pension funds to public funds and will then be used to pay the family of the victims a huge out-sized payout. In this way, each and every murder caused by the police will be felt by every member of the team and that long standing blue line will simply collapse. Cops will be taking the bad cops around back of the woodshed and reading them the riot act. When faced with the moral depravity of institutionalized murder of the people, cops don't give a fucking shit. But if it actually affects them personally then you better believe these corrupt assholes will care. There will be no need for administrative action because regular cops will slap the bad apples around in order to make sure they toe the line and don't mess up the gravy train called public pension.
No matter, we will default on all of them anyway. Not because we want to but because it is built into the debt Ponzi.
Useless police kill another person without blinking
Minneapolis is reacting to the blatant murder of one George Floyd after a useless fucking park cop murdered him in cold blood after having put the cuffs on him. As you can read in the Wiki, the victim was prone on the ground with the cop kneeling on his neck. The man warned the cops that they were killing him, told them he could not breathe and then begged for his life several times and onlookers also warned the cops that they were killing the man for no reason. The cop simply said that if the man was talking then he was OK. Thank you doctor cop, great call on that one.
The mayor took advantage of the situation to explain what a protector of the people he was blah blah blah without taking any blame for this happening on his watch. Apparently people have forgotten that the captain should go down with his sinking ship. But in order to get away with this political sleight of hand the major had to throw the cops involved under the bus. And so under the bus they went.
In the future, when people see this happening it should be taken as their civic duty to press in close and scream in the cops face that if he doesn't comply with the will of the people that he will be removed from duty bodily on the spot. This crap where the herd stands back 10 feet and watches something like this happen needs to be over and done with. All those people needed to do was show the cop that they meant business and were demanding immediate action. The cop would have been shaken out of his slumber and the victim would have lived.
All 4 cops in this deal need to be charged with conspiracy to commit first degree murder. If not for the presence of so much corrupt backup, the people might just have done exactly what I suggested. A message must be sent. These men deserve the death penalty for abusing the power vested in them by the state in order to murder a man who was in cuffs on the ground and completely helpless to stop them squeezing the very life out of him. Since MN doesn't have the death penalty it is incumbent upon his family and his neighborhood to take care of business. Otherwise it will be obvious that George Floyd's life didn't matter. At All.
The mayor took advantage of the situation to explain what a protector of the people he was blah blah blah without taking any blame for this happening on his watch. Apparently people have forgotten that the captain should go down with his sinking ship. But in order to get away with this political sleight of hand the major had to throw the cops involved under the bus. And so under the bus they went.
In the future, when people see this happening it should be taken as their civic duty to press in close and scream in the cops face that if he doesn't comply with the will of the people that he will be removed from duty bodily on the spot. This crap where the herd stands back 10 feet and watches something like this happen needs to be over and done with. All those people needed to do was show the cop that they meant business and were demanding immediate action. The cop would have been shaken out of his slumber and the victim would have lived.
All 4 cops in this deal need to be charged with conspiracy to commit first degree murder. If not for the presence of so much corrupt backup, the people might just have done exactly what I suggested. A message must be sent. These men deserve the death penalty for abusing the power vested in them by the state in order to murder a man who was in cuffs on the ground and completely helpless to stop them squeezing the very life out of him. Since MN doesn't have the death penalty it is incumbent upon his family and his neighborhood to take care of business. Otherwise it will be obvious that George Floyd's life didn't matter. At All.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Freaking hilarious, Biden essentially indicted as a conspirator in meddling with Ukrainian government
Today's fun fact is that a Ukrainian judge has been allowed to list Pedo Joe Biden as "an alleged criminal in the firing of a state prosecutor". Well when that happens in the US we call it being indicted. Of course, Biden already confessed to the crime in public on camera.
As soon as the lines left his mouth he turned to the guy next to him and softened up the corruption line by implying the goal was to put in place someone who was "solid". What he meant of course was someone who could be bought and sold.
Joe Biden is a pedo creep who is a global elitist. He actually believes he deserves privilege because of course he is a made man in an organized criminal cabal. Joe Biden will be going under the bus. I can tell you that with confidence now because if the dems really wanted to protect him the new Ukrainian judge would not have been allowed to indict him. Hillary would have sent a hit squad to kill him and his family by now. This whole Ukrainian thing is now becoming convenient to the dems. First, they can throw senile, sleepy creepy pedo Joe out of the presidential race and put someone in there who actually can give Trump a run for his money. But second, they can deflect all the legal problems Hillary is now having onto Biden. If someone big doesn't fall on the tracks in front of the oncoming train then the people are going to begin to riot soon. I think either Hillary or Biden is going to trip and fall onto the tracks and now it's just a matter of which of them cuts the throat of the other first. Liberals will eat their own. I think Hillary will outsmart Biden. He probably doesn't understand that Hillary is not his friend or anyone else's. Only Hillary is Hillary's friend. Everyone and everything else around he is just something to use as the means to an end.
As soon as the lines left his mouth he turned to the guy next to him and softened up the corruption line by implying the goal was to put in place someone who was "solid". What he meant of course was someone who could be bought and sold.
Joe Biden is a pedo creep who is a global elitist. He actually believes he deserves privilege because of course he is a made man in an organized criminal cabal. Joe Biden will be going under the bus. I can tell you that with confidence now because if the dems really wanted to protect him the new Ukrainian judge would not have been allowed to indict him. Hillary would have sent a hit squad to kill him and his family by now. This whole Ukrainian thing is now becoming convenient to the dems. First, they can throw senile, sleepy creepy pedo Joe out of the presidential race and put someone in there who actually can give Trump a run for his money. But second, they can deflect all the legal problems Hillary is now having onto Biden. If someone big doesn't fall on the tracks in front of the oncoming train then the people are going to begin to riot soon. I think either Hillary or Biden is going to trip and fall onto the tracks and now it's just a matter of which of them cuts the throat of the other first. Liberals will eat their own. I think Hillary will outsmart Biden. He probably doesn't understand that Hillary is not his friend or anyone else's. Only Hillary is Hillary's friend. Everyone and everything else around he is just something to use as the means to an end.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Uh-oh, team Obama is in trouble now...
Bill Barr says he won't go after Obama but now Mitch McConnell who is normally just a freaking crybaby, is now stepping forward and saying he is going to take action. And now it is coming out that team Obama tried to create a paper smoke screen in unmasking Flynn by requesting under various names, that Flynn be unmasked. Well its starting to feel like a democratic election where 3 people actually voted by 39 ballots were cast.
Importantly, someone is now questioning those whose names were used to request unmasking and sonovabitch, whaddaya know: multiple of those questioned are saying they never did it. They never requested unmasking. And that means it was done on purpose, fraudulently, and for the purpose of covering up some larger fraud. Those people whose names were used MUST prove that they didn't do it. Their names are implicated in this fraud and unless they can convince the authorities that it was not them, they are going to be charged. In fact it would not surprise me to see some of them charged anyway just to put the pressure on them because everyone knows that even if they were not individually involved, ALL of them knew what was going on. IT was nothing but a scam the whole time.
So all you have to do is squeeze these small fry and they will quickly cough up what they know or what they simply heard. Anyone who wants to pull on that string is going to find themselves in possession of a ball of yarn and a missing sweater.
Fuck you Obama, you fucking traitor. And Biden? Jail is too good for your pedo ass. Oh wait, he's a pedo. That's right. I almost forgot that. So I change my mind: jail would be just right for pedo Biden. General population I think. Cell buddies with Bubba.
Importantly, someone is now questioning those whose names were used to request unmasking and sonovabitch, whaddaya know: multiple of those questioned are saying they never did it. They never requested unmasking. And that means it was done on purpose, fraudulently, and for the purpose of covering up some larger fraud. Those people whose names were used MUST prove that they didn't do it. Their names are implicated in this fraud and unless they can convince the authorities that it was not them, they are going to be charged. In fact it would not surprise me to see some of them charged anyway just to put the pressure on them because everyone knows that even if they were not individually involved, ALL of them knew what was going on. IT was nothing but a scam the whole time.
So all you have to do is squeeze these small fry and they will quickly cough up what they know or what they simply heard. Anyone who wants to pull on that string is going to find themselves in possession of a ball of yarn and a missing sweater.
Fuck you Obama, you fucking traitor. And Biden? Jail is too good for your pedo ass. Oh wait, he's a pedo. That's right. I almost forgot that. So I change my mind: jail would be just right for pedo Biden. General population I think. Cell buddies with Bubba.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
FBI getting "sloppy" in their 911 cover up
For years now I have strongly stated that the truth, or at least a good portion of it, MUST come out as part and parcel of the collapse of the Global Debt Ponzi. And so now we see documents being made available without the usual redactions that make justice impossible to achieve.
Isn't it funny that this is happening right now as the fake money supply is foundering on the rocks, gouging a big breech in its hull? Is it really a coincidence? GW bush and Dickhead Cheney need to be taken into custody right now along with everyone who helped them orchestrate that traitorous attack on America. They need to be skinned alive on national TV. Why? Because we the herd want BLOOD. We want heads to roll. Nothing else will do. So get on with it elite. Eat your children. Pick winners and losers among yourselves before we come for ALL of you and take indiscriminate action.
The pitchfork revolution could be right around the corner and the AR15 is the new pitchfork.
Isn't it funny that this is happening right now as the fake money supply is foundering on the rocks, gouging a big breech in its hull? Is it really a coincidence? GW bush and Dickhead Cheney need to be taken into custody right now along with everyone who helped them orchestrate that traitorous attack on America. They need to be skinned alive on national TV. Why? Because we the herd want BLOOD. We want heads to roll. Nothing else will do. So get on with it elite. Eat your children. Pick winners and losers among yourselves before we come for ALL of you and take indiscriminate action.
The pitchfork revolution could be right around the corner and the AR15 is the new pitchfork.
Double whammy: rising debt and falling revenue.
The US debt clock website is fascinating to sit and look at for about 2-3 minutes. Everything that is related to debt is rolling up at a rapid rate and everything related to income is actually going down!! That means the debt to GDP is going up rapidly. They say that when debt:gdp gets over 100 there is no escaping the debt vortex (AKA "doom vortex") that eventually ends in hyperinflation. The US debt to GDP is now 118.74 and its going to move up rapidly because we have now reached the point of negative returns on debt.
Debt comes and goes in cycles, often referred to as the "credit cycle" or the "business cycle". But thinking people will just realize it is the "Ponzi cycle". During the early stages of the cycle people take on debt in order to start businesses and create production. They do well at it and so others get into the act. Everyone creates new production using debt. By production I mean everything from 37 flavors of baskin robbins to every different kind of specialty restaurant to every product (and especially specialty/unnecessary product) you can imagine under the sun. As time goes on, too many people get into the act and that causes too much competition for manufacturers to make any profit. As profits wane, there is always just one solution: take on more debt and deliver a better competitive product.
Early on you know it is early on because $1 of new debt can create $4 of GDP. But then over time and as competition arrives, the diminishing returns become $3, $2 and then unity ($1) debt growth to GDP growth. And that's when shit begins to go wrong because quickly thereafter $1 of debt growth only results in 90 cents of GDP growth. This is the beginning of the collapse stage of the debt Ponzi because as people begin to realize that taking on debt in order to produce something actually costs them money, they stop doing it. And those who are running the Ponzi begin to realize that it is actually more beneficial to stop buying more production with the new debt and to instead just give it to people so that they can consume more. Sound familiar?
But the people feel the hammer coming down and so they save the money they are given instead of spending it like they are "supposed" to. And that is when the con men running the Debt Ponzi know their time is short. Because the production then collapses BUT THE DEBT REMAINS. Without production the only way to pay the interest on the debt is by currency debasement. And if you do this long enough even those who are slow on the uptake, figure it out and then they begin to panic. We are months and quarters away from the panic stage by my best models. Maybe 2 years. MAYBE 3. Not more.
What do I mean by slow on the uptake? I mean people who think they have forever to get some of their wealth into hard assets that cannot be inflated away. I mean people who have read my blog for 10+ years and still don't have one OzT of physical gold or silver to their name. I mean people who think they are going to beat the herd into gold and silver at the last second when it becomes completely obvious to everyone that paper money is fake money. I mean people who still think fake paper assets are safe and physical metals are "risky".
Just this past Saturday the US national debt was $25.268 trillion. One day later it is now $39 billion higher. So when you hear politicians talking about spending $50 million for this or that program you know it is a stupid distraction. When a politician uses the word "million" when talking to people about financial matters, it is essentially talking down to us like we were bumpkin fools who are easily impressed. A million is a joke. 10s of Millions have rolled by in the time it has taken me to bang out this post.
The numbers are now so large that it boggles the mind to carefully consider them. There are 330 million people in the USA. Each of us now owes $118 more than we did yesterday. Yes that's right. The debt is going up by 118 dollars per person per day. Many in this country hardly make $118 per day! Even at the brand new minimum wage of $15/hour that still just rolling out across the country it means that the $120 earned each day by $15/hr wage earners is completely offset by the debt which is being added on in their names. And that number includes children and retirees, neither of whom work. So lets say it's more like each working person's debt is going up 200+ per day. If you think this will not matter then there is no saving you and in fact you absolutely will deserve what you get. The world does not care if you are a good person or not. The world only cares if you are wise or gullible. The world excels at fleecing suckers. Don't be a sucker!
Debt comes and goes in cycles, often referred to as the "credit cycle" or the "business cycle". But thinking people will just realize it is the "Ponzi cycle". During the early stages of the cycle people take on debt in order to start businesses and create production. They do well at it and so others get into the act. Everyone creates new production using debt. By production I mean everything from 37 flavors of baskin robbins to every different kind of specialty restaurant to every product (and especially specialty/unnecessary product) you can imagine under the sun. As time goes on, too many people get into the act and that causes too much competition for manufacturers to make any profit. As profits wane, there is always just one solution: take on more debt and deliver a better competitive product.
Early on you know it is early on because $1 of new debt can create $4 of GDP. But then over time and as competition arrives, the diminishing returns become $3, $2 and then unity ($1) debt growth to GDP growth. And that's when shit begins to go wrong because quickly thereafter $1 of debt growth only results in 90 cents of GDP growth. This is the beginning of the collapse stage of the debt Ponzi because as people begin to realize that taking on debt in order to produce something actually costs them money, they stop doing it. And those who are running the Ponzi begin to realize that it is actually more beneficial to stop buying more production with the new debt and to instead just give it to people so that they can consume more. Sound familiar?
But the people feel the hammer coming down and so they save the money they are given instead of spending it like they are "supposed" to. And that is when the con men running the Debt Ponzi know their time is short. Because the production then collapses BUT THE DEBT REMAINS. Without production the only way to pay the interest on the debt is by currency debasement. And if you do this long enough even those who are slow on the uptake, figure it out and then they begin to panic. We are months and quarters away from the panic stage by my best models. Maybe 2 years. MAYBE 3. Not more.
What do I mean by slow on the uptake? I mean people who think they have forever to get some of their wealth into hard assets that cannot be inflated away. I mean people who have read my blog for 10+ years and still don't have one OzT of physical gold or silver to their name. I mean people who think they are going to beat the herd into gold and silver at the last second when it becomes completely obvious to everyone that paper money is fake money. I mean people who still think fake paper assets are safe and physical metals are "risky".
Just this past Saturday the US national debt was $25.268 trillion. One day later it is now $39 billion higher. So when you hear politicians talking about spending $50 million for this or that program you know it is a stupid distraction. When a politician uses the word "million" when talking to people about financial matters, it is essentially talking down to us like we were bumpkin fools who are easily impressed. A million is a joke. 10s of Millions have rolled by in the time it has taken me to bang out this post.
Thirty Nine (39) BILLION with a B have been tacked onto our debt since yesterday. 39 thousand million!
The numbers are now so large that it boggles the mind to carefully consider them. There are 330 million people in the USA. Each of us now owes $118 more than we did yesterday. Yes that's right. The debt is going up by 118 dollars per person per day. Many in this country hardly make $118 per day! Even at the brand new minimum wage of $15/hour that still just rolling out across the country it means that the $120 earned each day by $15/hr wage earners is completely offset by the debt which is being added on in their names. And that number includes children and retirees, neither of whom work. So lets say it's more like each working person's debt is going up 200+ per day. If you think this will not matter then there is no saving you and in fact you absolutely will deserve what you get. The world does not care if you are a good person or not. The world only cares if you are wise or gullible. The world excels at fleecing suckers. Don't be a sucker!
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Dear friends and long time readers, please pay attention to this post.
As the global debt Ponzi moves ever closer to its eventual collapse I want you to remember what I always warned was the most important aspect of an exponential function and that is not so much the rapidity of price changes but rather the exponential reduction of time between "events".
Look at this website. It shows the real time debt clock in chart form. I've posted many times in the past 6 weeks that I have 24 trillion reasons to be worried about the fake money being on short final to collapse. But now I have over 25 trillion reasons. Do you think this is going to stop? Just how do you reckon that will happen? The freaking chart cannot even keep up with the numbers! It's only showing maybe 23 trillion when the number is over 25.

And since I have been snapshotting up until now, here is the current snapshot which is actually 140 billion more than the other side.

It really is time to go buy gold silver and platinum. It's time to re-watch this Jim Rickards interview which was done well before the covid crisis was used as the excuse to open the money printing flood gates.
Look at this website. It shows the real time debt clock in chart form. I've posted many times in the past 6 weeks that I have 24 trillion reasons to be worried about the fake money being on short final to collapse. But now I have over 25 trillion reasons. Do you think this is going to stop? Just how do you reckon that will happen? The freaking chart cannot even keep up with the numbers! It's only showing maybe 23 trillion when the number is over 25.
And since I have been snapshotting up until now, here is the current snapshot which is actually 140 billion more than the other side.
It really is time to go buy gold silver and platinum. It's time to re-watch this Jim Rickards interview which was done well before the covid crisis was used as the excuse to open the money printing flood gates.
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